Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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Annualized Salary
Annualized Salary represents the total amount of regular pay that an employee would receive in a year if the job were full time and paid for the entire year. It does not necessarily reflect actual pay, which may be influenced by number of hours worked, unpaid leave, part-time status, or other similar situations. Annualization allows for comparison of salary data that may be disparate in its native form (e.g. only pays over 3 months, employee works limited schedule, etc.).
Annual Pct Increase
Annual Percent Increase is the difference between the Annual salary before and after merit expressed as a percentage
Annual Salary
The annual salary represents the amount of pay an employee would receive over the course of a calendar year based upon their regular rate, hours per pay, and number of pays per calendar year. For employees covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), this is considered an annualized amount based on projected hours worked. For FLSA-exempt employees, this is the amount of pay they will receive over the course of a year.
Annual Salary
Used to store the annual benefits eligible salary for the employee.
Anticipated Asked Date
Within the Proposal record, the date at which the gift officer plans on soliciting the prospect.
Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Society status
Specific mass-marketing solicitation effort. This data element represents the description value.
Appeal Code
Specific mass-marketing solicitation effort. This data element represents the code value.
Appeal Cost
The dollar amount that GW paid to create a specific appeal solicitation.
Appeal Revenue
The dollar amount of donations received attributed to a specific appeal.
Appeal Type
Summary-level classification of method used in mass-marketing solicitation
Appeal Unit
Summary-level internal department responsible for mass-marketing solicitation
Applicable Gross
Employee applicable gross amount
An individual who has fulfilled the institution’s requirements to be considered for admission
Applicant Location
Identifies the applicants physical location based on the nation and/or state in their Historical Address.
Applicant Name
Full Name of the Applicant.
Application Accept Ind (Y/Missing)
Indicates if the application was accepted.
Application Class Percentile
The application class percentile is calculated by subtracting your rank in class from the number of students in your class then divide that number by the number of students in your class
Application Class Rank
Class ranking is a mathematical summary of a student's academic record as compared with other students in her class.
Application Class Size
Amount of students in the class.
Application Date
The date the application was entered into Banner.
Application Date Range
Shows 2 years of Application Date ends on the end of the selected semester
Application Decision Code
2-character field containing an application decision code (e.g. 01 Offer Admission). The latest application decision code is the highest number populated (corresponds to the latest SARAPPD_APDC_Code).
Application Desc
Identifier for Application Desc
Application Id
Identifier for Application Id