Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 201 - 225 of 4076
Admission Test Description
Specifies the test (SAT Verbal, ACT Composite, Graduate Record Exam, …) associated with the test code
Admission Test Group
Description of the Admission Test Group Code. Most of the values haven been updated and the default value is the same as Group Code.
Admission Test Group Code
Specifies the test group associated to the different posibilities of test scores like SAT Verbal, ACT Composite, Graduate Record Exam, etc.
Admission Test Score Type
Score type of admission test - R is raw score, P is percentile, and Tis total score.
Admission Type
Identifies if an offer of admission required conditions and if so, what type. Post-Matriculation Conditions indicates a student was admitted with a condition(s) that had to be satisfied in the first semester of the program. Pre-Matriculation Conditions indicates the student had an admission condition that had to be satisfied prior to matriculation. Standard/No Conditions indicates the student had no admission conditions.
Admission Type
Describes the type of Admission such as Freshman, New Applicant, Readmit, External Transfer with the code.
Admission Type Code
Code used for the type of Admission the student has.
Admission Type Desc
Describes the type of Admission such as Freshman, New Applicant, Readmit, External Transfer.
Admit Student Type
The student's Student Type when they were admitted.
% Admitted
Percent of students who admitted out of total students who were enrolled
Admitted (Decision Status)
A count of applicants who have been offered admission for the term/s displayed on the dashboard (Summer+Fall or Spring)
Admitted Ind (Y/Missing)
Y or N depending on whether the student has been admitted to GWU
Admitted Ind (Y/N)
Y or N if the student has a decision code corresponding to admittance (e.g. a "Y" if the latest decision code in ("01", "05", "07", "20", "25", "70","72","73", "80")
Admitted Student
A student has applied for admission and the Decision Status has been set to Admitted.
Admit Term Code
Determine student academic year grouping
Faculty or Staff assigned by the school to a student to help the student navigate courses and provide academic guidance.
Advisor Approval Date
The date a student's educational plan is approved by the advisor
Affiliates are non-employee who have active records in GZAAFFL, a custom Banner form. This form, underlying tables and processes were created to track persons who are not paid by the university but need to have a role to gain access to certain systems. Affiliates must be renewed every 6, 12, or 24 months depending the affiliate type. 30 days prior the the expiration of the affiliated role an email is sent to the affiliate and to the sponsor reminding them to renew the affiliation.
Affiliation Code
Affiliate code is a unique identifier for an affiliate, where an affiliate is an individual with a legitimate and verifiable affiliation with GW who is NOT a current student or a member of GW's faculty or staff. AUCs include visiting scholars not paid as employees, select contractors, and friends of the University.
Affiliation Description
Position description of an affiliate
Affiliation Directory Ind
Indicator if a person starting the affiliate position allows to share their directory informaiton
Affiliation End Date
Affiliate position end date
Affiliation Gworld Ind
This indicator defines whether the affiliate has been authorized possession of a GWorld card.
Affiliation Start Date
Affiliate position start date
Gives the age of a person based on their birthdate and current date.