Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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1099 Consent
The employer is required to have the employee or recipient agree to have only an electronic W-2 or 1099, instead of receiving a paper W-2 or 1099. This consent form is documentation for the business in case a complaint is filed with the IRS
1099 Email Address
Email Addresses that have been registered to allow 1099 consent to receive their statement electronically.
1st Curriculum Major
The 1st academic discipline to which a student formally commits
1st Curriculum Major Code
4 character code of the 1st curriculum Major
1st Curriculum Major Effective Start Term
Effective Start Term for 1st Curriculum Major
1st Curriculum Major Eff End Term
Effective End Term for 1st Curriculum Major
1st Major Conc 1 Desc
Description to identify students concentration of area of study within a Major.
1st Major Concentration 1
Shows student's 1st Major concentration of study. Such as 755 = Sport Management.
1st Major Concentration 2
Shows student's 2nd Major concentration of study. Such as 755 = Sport Management.
1st Major Concentration 3
Shows student's 3rd Major concentration of study. Such as 755 = Sport Management.
1st Major/Field of Study
Student's 1st Major combined with the 1st Major code.
1st Minor
Shows the Minor the student selected.
2nd Major/Field of Study
Shows the 2nd Minor the student selected.
2nd Minor
Student's 2nd minor combined with the associated minor code
Above the Max
This indicator (y/n) looks at whether an employees annual salary is greater than the position's salary range high.
Academic Adviser
An individual in the college, school, or department who provides academic guidance and direction for additional support services to a student. This individual may be a professional, full-time adviser or a member of the faculty, and may be specifically assigned to an individual student or students, or provide service to a group of students.
Academic Calendar
This calendar includes key academic dates for the semester, such as holidays, exam periods and modifications to class schedules. Some dates are subject to change.
For other important dates during the semester, refer to the:
Schedule of Classes to see when classes are offered
University Calendar to learn about upcoming events and activities
Click here to view GWU Academic Calendar
Academic Non-Course Required Trainings
Academic non-course required training means, in this context, training that is not a statutory requirement and might reasonably be deemed to assist career
Academic Standing
Academic standing is a measure of the student's academic achievement based on semester or cumulative grade-point average.Indicates whether a student has achieved the minimum academic standards for his or her academic program in a given academic term. Students who are not in academic good standing are on academic probation.
Academic Standing Code
2 char code for Academic Standing (00 stands for Good Standing, P1 stands for Probation.)
Academic Standing Prevent Reg Indicator
Y/N depending on whether the student can register for new classes.
Academic Standing Probation Indicator
Y/N depending on whether the student is currently on probation.
Academic Term
One of the major periods of instruction during the academic year.
Academic Title
Faculty Academic Title is a title for employees who have academic responsibilities
The annual cycle of teaching and study. It is divided into academic terms. At GWU Academic Year is a term that has multiple definitions. Refer to the synonyms below for specific definitions.
Academic Year (Fall-Spring-Summer) - Used for curriculum/catalog purposes. The cycle begins with the Fall semester, continues during the Spring semester and concludes with the summer term. It also includes the full year term associated with those three terms.
Academic Year (Summer-Fall-Spring) - Used for Admission and Enrollment purposes. The cycle begins with the Summer semester, continues during the Fall semester and concludes with the spring term. It also includes the full year term associated with those three terms.