Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 101 - 125 of 4034
Accrual Credit
Payroll liability for the accrued but unpaid payroll expense as of the end of the reporting period.
Accrual Debit
Payroll Expense that is accrued but not paid as of the end of the reporting period.
Accrue Leave Indicator
The Accrue Leave Indicator is an attribute of a job record in Banner that determines whether leave can be accrued for this job. Valid values are Y = Yes and N = No.
Acct Status
Indicates if Cardholder's account is active, new, or suspended.
ACD Calls Answered
Number of incoming calls to the ITSC that were answered during a given time frame.
ACRK is a computed academic rank of incoming first year students based on their high school academic performance (high school GPA, test scores, number of Honors, AP, IB, and CL), high school quality index, and GW admissions rating
Action End Date
This field defines the date when a PO order was last updated in the system.
Action Start Date
This field defines the date when a PO order was approved in the system
Active Address
Active Address of Student
Active Assignment
Y/N indicator defining whether a gift officer or pool is current assigned to the respective prospect or proposal.
Active Course Indicator
Y for an active course, N otherwise
Active Employee Count
A distinct count of employees in the university who have an job that is either not end dated or has a future end date beyond the run date of the report. Both the job and employee status should reflect a non-terminated status: A = Active, B = Leave without pay with benefits, L = Leave without pay without benefits, F = Leave with full pay and benefits, P = Leave with partial pay and benefits.
Active End Date
The End Date used with the Flex Field
Active Indicator (Y/N)
Indicates whether the fund code is active.
Active Ind (Y/N)
Active Indicator
Active Job
The active job status in Banner is one of the values of the Job Status, which is an attribute of a job record. When the indicator's value is "A," or active, it that indicates that the employee is not on long term leave (with or without pay) and is actively performing the duties of a given position. Other values include leave with or without pay and with or without benefits and terminated.
Active Personnel Only (Y/N)
Identifies whether the personnel is active or not
Active Proposals
Y/N checkbox on the Proposal record that indicates whether or not the proposal is still pending an acceptance or decline.
Active Prospect
Details whether the prospect in active or inactive with a Y/N value.
Active Section Indicator
Y for an active section, N otherwise.
Active Start Date
The Start Date used with the Flex Field
The combined code and description of the Activity segment of the General Ledger accounting string
Activity Code
The six character (alphanumeric) identifier of the Activity segment of the General Ledger Accounting String. This is the eighth of nine segments in the Accounting String.
Activity Date
The Activity Date on PEREHIS is the date that a change was recorded to the table, regardless of when that change may be effective.
Activity Date
Activity date for the course and attribute