Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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Any student who has received a Degree from the George Washington University
This field includes offered amount, accepted amount and paid amount by Year or by Term.
Amount of Spend.
The amount of the invoice payment. A negative amount indicates a voided payment.
Expenditure Amount
As defined by the deduction code on the rule form.
Amount 1 Desc
This describes what the amount represents such as 'annual covered amount', 'coverage override', or an 'employee per pay deduction'.
Amount 1 Ind
This indicator is Y when there is a 'benefit amount 1'. It can also be 'N' or 'O'.
Amount 2 Desc
This describes what the amount represents such as 'annual covered amount', 'coverage override', or an 'employee per pay deduction'.
Amount 2 Ind
This indicator is Y when there is a 'benefit amount 1'. It can also be 'N' or 'O'.
Amount 3 Desc
This describes what the amount represents such as 'annual covered amount', 'coverage override', or an 'employee per pay deduction'.
Amount 3 Ind
This indicator is Y when there is a 'benefit amount 1'. It can also be 'N' or 'O'.
The fourth amount field for the benefit/deduction. When the BDCA_CODE = 'GTL', this amount is Calculated Coverage Amount
Amount 4 Desc
This describes what the amount represents such as 'annual covered amount', 'coverage override', or an 'employee per pay deduction'.
Amount 4 Ind
This indicator is Y when there is a 'benefit amount 1'. It can also be 'N' or 'O'.
Amount Distribution
The distribution of offered amount, accepted amount and paid amount
Amount in Failed Funds
The total expenditure amount that did not pass funds check
Amount Owed
This field identifies a dollar amount associated with hold.
AMT2 Title
The title associated with Amount 2.
AMT3 Title
This describes a broader category that the amount falls into, such as, 'Cov Amt' or 'EE %'.
AMT4 Title
This describes a broader category that the amount falls into, such as, 'Cov Amt' or 'EE %'.
AMT Title
This describes a broader category that the amount falls into, such as, 'Cov Amt' or 'EE %'.
Annual Budget Variance
Difference between Year-to-Date Actual and the Total Budget for the fiscal year
Annual Giving Indicator
The Annual Giving indicator is Y if the gift meets the criteria of being an annual gift: an outright gift, membership dues payment, or payment on a prior commitment (on current or previous FY pledges) to a current operations allocation – those that are not for endowment or capital projects – that is less than $50,000.
Annual Increase Amount
Annual Increase Amount Increase is the difference between the Annual salary before and after merit