Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 251 - 275 of 4049
Allocation Description
The linking key to the Univeristy's ETS value.
Allocation ETS Link
The linking key to the University's ETS value.
Allocation Extramural Athls
Extramural athletics indicator for the allocation
Allocation Fee IND
Fee indicator for the allocation
Allocation Fee Minimum Amount
Fee minimum amount for the allocation
Allocation Goal Amount
Goal amount for the allocation
Allocation Long Name
The full name of the allocation record
that is primarily used for donor reporting, receipting, and
stewardship. All allocation values correspond to a higher-level
School/Unit. This data element represents the allocation long
description value.
Allocation Minimum Amount
Minimum amount for the allocation
Allocation Operator Name
The name of the operator responsible for the last change to the allocation record within the Advance application.
Allocation Purpose
Purpose for the allocation
Allocation Rate
Allocation rate is based on NBM parameters. For students taking classes within their home school or from another school under the same budget model, populated by NBM rules based on student level, course campus, delivery method, term and for students taking courses that Crossover between Open and Close budget models. The Allocation Rate is applied to the prorated tuition assigned to an individual course to determine that amount of tuition that is allocated to the school.
Allocation School
Summary-level internal department that receives the funds of the donation.
ATHL – Athletics
CCAS – Columbian College of Arts and Sciences Unit Code
CPS – College of Professional Studies
EISA – Elliott School of International Affairs
GELM – Gelman Library
GWGU – GW General University
GWSB – GW School of Business LAW – Law School Unit Code
MED – School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MTVN – Mount Vernon College
MUSE – Textile Museum
SEAS – School of Engineering and Applied Science
SEHD – Graduate School of Education and Human Development
SON – School of Nursing
SPH – Milken Institute School of Public Health
Allocation Short Name
An abrieviated name for the allocation record, used for internal references within reporting. All allocation values correspond to a higher-level School/Unit. This data element represents the allocation short description value.
Allocation Start Date
The user supplied date on which the allocation became a fundraising priorty to the university.
Allocation Status Code
The current status of the allocation code. Data values will represent an "A" if representing an active allocation and an "I" if the allocation is no longer available to receive funding.
Allocation Stop Date
The user supplied date on which the allocation was inactivated and no longer available for the allocation of fundraising revenue.
Allocation Use
University-defined groupings of allocations to segment fundraising totals by how the revenue is allocated for spending. All values are determined by a pre-defined grouping of the CFAE Purpose Code and CFAE Sub Code.
Allocation Use For AWC IND
Use for AWC indicator for the allocation
Allocation User Group
User group for the allocation
Allocation Xcomment
Xcomment for the allocation
Allocation XREF
The linking key to the University's Funding Source.
Allowable exclusions
The "allowable exclusions" in the context of calculating "Graduation Rate", "First to Second Retention Rate", and "First to Third Retention Rate" include those students who died or were totally and permanently disabled; students who left school to serve in the armed forces (or have been called up to active duty); those who left to serve with a foreign aid service of the federal government, such as the Peace Corps; and those who left to serve on official church mission.
Allowable Schedule ID
Identifier for allowable schedule of the award
Allowed Cost Schedule
Description for allowable schedule of the award
Alternate Phone
Alternate Phone includes Alternate Phone Area, Alternate Phone Number and Alternate Phone Extention