Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2576 - 2600 of 4076
NAC Level 4 Code
Level 4 parent of the Net Asset Class in the hierarchy or the Net Asset Class' code itself
NAC Level 4 Desc
Description of the Level 4 parent of the Net Asset Class or the Net Asset Class' description itself
NAC Level 5 Code
Level 5 parent of the Net Asset Class in the hierarchy or the Net Asset Class' code itself
NAC Level 5 Desc
Description of the Level 5 parent of the Net Asset Class or the Net Asset Class' description itself
NAC Level 6 Code
Level 6 parent of the Net Asset Class in the hierarchy or the Net Asset Class' code itself
NAC Level 6 Desc
Description of the Level 6 parent of the Net Asset Class or the Net Asset Class' description itself
NAC Start Date
Start date that a Net Asset Class can be used in a transaction
NAC Summary Ind (Y/N)
Indicates whether the Net Asset Class can be pulled into Summary templates or not
Name of the event, appointment, career fair, or student engagement
Name of Agreement
Title at top of Agreement.
Name of Initiative or Project
This field identifies the name of the initiative or project. It is often different from the service name.
Name Prefix
Prefix associated with the person's name.
Name Suffix
Suffix for the person's name.
Nation/country code associated with the address.
Nation Desc
Description of the Nation used by the Nation Code.
Nation ISO Code
Three character International Standards Organization (ISO) Code associated with the nation code.
Nation Type Code
Identifies the Nation Type Code
Natural Account
The GL account number that corresponds to the expenditure type
NBAEARN Job Suffix
Hours or Units is the hours worked by an employee subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act up to 40 hours per week
NBAEARN Position
NBAEARN Position is the employee position number
NBREARN Effective Date
NBREARN Effecitve Date is the date the records was effective in Banner
NDRK is a financial need rank. The NDRK is determined at the
student's entry term if they file a financial aid application. The rank
goes from 1-6 with the NDRK of 1 being the students that do not file a
financial aid application and therefore do not have a calculated need and
NDRK 6 are students with the greatest financial need.
Needs Approver
Calculated field to filter missing mandatory approver
Needs Review
Indicator to see if record needs to be reviewed.
Net Asset Class
The code for Net Asset Class. The 5th segment of the 9-segment Accounting String.