Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2676 - 2700 of 4076
On-Campus Detail Credit Hours Term
The term (semester and calendar year) for which the shown credit hours are registered for
On-Campus Detail Enrollments College
The college for which the enrollments are being recorded
On-Campus Detail Enrollments Count
The enrollments registered for by the college and campus designated
On-Campus Detail Enrollments Term
The term (semester and calendar year for which the shown enrollments are registered for
On-Campus Group Summary Credit Hours
The credit hours registered for by the college and campus designated
On-Campus Group Summary % Difference Previous Term
The percentage difference in credits registered for between the selected term and previous term
On-Campus Group Summary Term
The term (semester and calendar year) for which the shown credit hours are registered for
On-Campus % of Budget Projections Credit Hours
Percentage of the college's submitted credit hour projections are registered for as of the date specified
On-Campus Total Summary Credit Hours
The credit hours registered for by the college and campus designated
On-Campus Total Summary % Difference Previous Term
The percentage difference in credits registered for between the selected term and previous term for the college and campus(es) in question
On-Campus Total Summary Term
The term (semester and calendar year) for which the shown credit hours are registered for
One Time Ind (Y/N)
Identifier for one time flag Indicator
On Site Designation
On Site Designation is the particular place where the employee will be working from
Open/Close CRN
This field is used to determine if the teaching college is an OPEN or CLOSE model school. An OPEN model school is part of the tuition sharing revenue program and a Close model school is not sharing revenue with other schools.
Open/Close Student
This field is used to determine if the student's college of enrollment is OPEN or CLOSE model school. An OPEN model school is part of the tuition sharing revenue program and a Close model school is not sharing revenue with other schools.
Opening Net Assets
The amount of net assets at the beginning of a selected time period.
Open Proposals
Indicates if the current proposal is open, meaning either in Clearance (planned) or Ask Made (pending) based on the Proposal Status being Open.
Optional Leader Merit Strategy Key
Optional Leader Merit Strategy Key contains no data and is valued by the user
Optional Manager - Submitted Merit Input Comment
Optional Manager - Submitted Merit Input Comment contains no data and is valued by the user
Optional Merit Input for Achieves Expectations(H/M/L)
Optional Merit Input for Achieves Expectations(H/M/L) contains no data and is valued by the user
The code for Organization
Organization Code
The code used by Banner to reference a given organization.
Identifies the individual organization code which appears on a transaction.
Organization Code-Desc
Concatenation of Organization Code and Organization Desc
Organization Code High
PSORGN_ORGN_HIGH is the highest organization code listed in the security table for the user
Organization Code Low
PSORGN_ORGN_LOW is the lowest organization code listed in the security table for the user