Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2726 - 2750 of 4076
Org Level B Desc
Org Level B Desc
Org Level C Code
Org Level C Code
Org Level C Desc
Org Level C Desc
Org Level "x"
Displays the Parent Org (1st column) and the Child Org (2nd column) according to the EAS Org Hierarchy. "x" denotes the position of the Org in the Hierarchy (1 is the highest level).
Original Cohort
Indicates the total number of students in a program for a given apply term.
Original Concur Transaction
An indicator field used to identify whether a transaction is an original Concur Transaction. The original Concur transaction is identified by having 'EXP|' or 'PCARD|' at the beginning of the Invoice Distribution Description. This field will have a value of either 0 or 1.
Original Encumbrance Amount
The dollar amount of the original Requisition or Purchase Order
Original Hire Date
The Original Hire Date represents the first day of work of the first job an employee had at the university. Unlike other employment dates which may change over time, the Original Hire Date is static. It is detrived from the earliest personnel date of all of the jobs that that an employee has at GW.
Original I9 Date
The Original I9 Date is the date upon which an employee originally completed their most recent I-9 with the university. This date may be different than the I-9 Date, which reflects the most recent change to an I-9, such as a re-verification.
Original Offer Amount
The original offered dollar amount of the award for one period.
Original Offer Date
The date when the financial aid offer of the award was initially made for one period.
Original Quantity
The quantity listed on the original Requisition or Purchase Order
OSCAR Provider Number
Other Changes in Net Assets
This tab in the General Ledger Balance Trend Analysis is an analysis of GL activity using accounts that are grouped under Account Reporting Attribute Roll-up = 'OTHER'. These include CAPITAL EXP, DEBT SVC AND MAND, ENDOWMENT SUPPT, OVERHEAD ALLOCATIONS, SUPPORT/INV
Other Expenditures
This tab in the General Ledger Balance Trend Analysis dashboard is an analysis of non-Compensation-related expenditures. Includes all accounts EXCEPT those in following Account Reporting Attributes: SALARIES AND WAGES, FRINGE BENEFITS
Other Expenditures by Reporting Attribute
A comparison of each reporting attribute's budget vs. expenditure as of the selected accounting period.
Other Ind
Indicates if the Gworld card holder is neither a student nor an employee
Other Last Paid Date
Refers to the last paid date per position by position suffix that a graduate assistant works as a non-graduate assistant.
Other (Not FT/PT Status)
Other status is used for Affliates that do not fall under the category of FT/PT employees.
Others (D)
The distinct count of persons who have used their GWorld card at the Gelman Library who are neither students or employees (Other Ind = 'Y')
OTM Lump Sum Amount
OTM Lump Sum Amount contains no data and is valued by the user
Outside of Range (Yes/No)
Outside of Range(Yes/No) is a user entered field to allow the user to enter data
Outstanding Invoice Amount
The remaining amount on the invoice that is not yet paid
Overall MCAT Score
Overall test score on the Medical College Admissions TEST (MCAT)
% Over Previous Status (Amount)
Shows the percentage of accepted amount verses offered amount, also if there is paid amount verses accepted it will appear on the paid line.