Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2751 - 2775 of 4076
% Over Previous Status (Count)
Shows the percentage of accepted student count verses offered student count, also if there is paid student count verses accepted it will appear on the paid line
Over the Max? Y/N
Over the Max? Y/N indicates whether and employee's annual salary is over the maximum allowed by salary grade
Overtime Hours YTD
The number of overtime hours from the start of the current fiscal year (July 1) to the current date
Overtime Pay
Pay earned by an employee subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in excess of 40 hours per week.
PAB Creation Date
The date the per-approved batch is created
PAB DFF Comment
An expenditure comment in the descriptive
flex field for each PAB expenditure item line
PAB Name
The name given to the Pre-approved Batch (PAB) by the submitter.
Package Load Indicator (Y/N)
The enrollment status for this period.
Package Req Comp Date
Financial Aid package requirement complete date
PA Date
The date the expense was posted to EAS Grants
Paid Amount
The paid dollar amount of the award for one period.
Paid Amount APTB
Total paid amount on invoice
Paid Parental Leave Deduction Amount
PPL is the earnings code used to pay paid parental leave benefits.
PA Patient Contact Hours
Total number of patient contact hours a physician assistant student completed at the time of application.
Part of Term
Combination of part of term code and desctiption
Part of Term Code
Code used to describe the part of term being used.
Part of Term Desc
The part of term of the course instructions. It can be 12-week sessions, 1st 5-week session, Full Term, etc.
Part of Term End Date
The ending date of part of term used for courses that are offered for part of a full term and has different add/drop dates.
Part of Term Start Date
The beginning date of part of term used for courses that are offered for part of a full term and has different add/drop dates.
Part of Term Weeks
Number of weeks in part of term.
Part-Term Start Day
Day of the Part-Term-Start date
Regular part-time positions are anticipated to last for at least one fiscal year and are scheduled for more than 14 and fewer than 35 hours per workweek.
Party Number
Identifier for Party Number
Passed First Attempt
Indicates if student passed the professional board exam on the first attempt