Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2651 - 2675 of 4076
Off-Campus Detail Credit Hours Term
The term (semester and calendar year) for which the shown credit hours are registered for
Off-Campus Detail Enrollments College
The college for which the enrollments are being recorded
Off-Campus Detail Enrollments Count
The enrollments registered for by the college and campus designated
Off-Campus Detail Enrollments Term
The term (semester and calendar year for which the shown enrollments are registered for
Off-Campus Group Summary Credit Hours
The credit hours registered for by the college and campus designated
Off-Campus Group Summary % Difference Previous Term
The percentage difference in credits registered for between the selected term and previous term
Off-Campus Group Summary Term
The term (semester and calendar year) for which the shown credit hours are registered for
Off-Campus % of Budget Projections Credit Hours
Percentage of the college's submitted credit hour projections are registered for as of the date specified
Off-Campus Total Summary Credit Hours
The credit hours registered for by the college and campus designated
Off-Campus Total Summary % Difference Previous Term
The percentage difference in credits registered for between the selected term and previous term for the college and campus(es) in question
Off-Campus Total Summary Term
The term (semester and calendar year) for which the shown credit hours are registered for
Offer Amount
The offered dollar amount of the award for one period.
Offer Date
The date when the dollar amount for the offer of the award for one period is determined.
% of Grade Outstanding
[Grade Outstanding?]/[Total Grades]
# of Months to Award End Date
The number of months remaining till the award ends
# of Positions
The number of positions that the faculty member currently holds
# of Proposals Awarded
The number of research proposals that were awarded to the faculty member.
# of Proposals Submitted
The number of research proposals that were awarded to the faculty member.
% of Total
Computes the current value as a percentage of the total
% of Total Course Credit Hours
The percentage of the total course Credit Hours that are being taken in the selected College and in other Colleges
% of Total Distinct Count of Student
The percentage of the Distinct Count of Students that are taking the course in the selected College and in other Colleges
On-Campus Budget Projections Credit Hour Count
The total credit hours that represent the final projections for each college
On-Campus Budget Projections Term
The term (semester and calendar year) for which the projected credit hours were submitted
On-Campus Detail Credit Hours College
The college for which the credit hours registered are being recorded
On-Campus Detail Credit Hours Count
The credit hours registered for by the college and campus designated