Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2601 - 2625 of 4076
Net Asset Class Code
Code of the Net Asset Class
Net Asset Class Desc
The label description of the Net Asset Class segment of the General Ledger Accounting String (from FND_FLEX_VALUES_TL)
Net Asset Class ID
Numeric unique identifier of a Net Asset Class assigned by EAS -- NOT the Net Asset Class Code used for data input or reporting (see Net Asset Class Code)
Net Asset Class (NAC) Desc
The label description of the Net Asset Class segment of the General Ledger Accounting String (from FND_FLEX_VALUES_TL)
Net Assets
Total GL activity as of the accounting period selected. This is cumulative (i.e., includes activity from previous accounting periods in the same fiscal year).
Alphanumeric identifier assigned to an individual or group for use in accessing University information systems.
A Net ID is a user ID between 3 and 12 characters long that is associated with an account in the GW NetID system.
The NetID is entered, along with a password, to access various GW systems, such as GWemail / GWMail (e-mail systems), Blackboard (the course management system), and myGW (GW’s online portal). If the NetID account has e-mail privileges associated with it, the account holder’s e-mail address is [email protected] (for faculty & staff
identifier assigned to an individual for use in accessing University
information systems.
NetIDs consist of between 3-12 alphanumeric characters.
The NetID is entered, along with a password, to access various GW systems, such as GWemail / GWMail (e-mail systems), Blackboard (the course management system), and myGW (GW’s online portal)
If the NetID account has e-mail privileges associated with it, the account holder’s e-mail address is [email protected] (for faculty & staff)
NetID Count
Distinct count of students using a Net ID
Net Income Variance
Difference between Budgeted Net Operating Income and Net Operating Income
Net Operating Income
Total Revenues less Total Expenses
Net Pay
The amount of check or direct deposit
New Award Notification
Indicates that a new award has been created in EAS. An award is considered "new" if the award's creation date it is within 30 days of the current date.
Next Cert Date
The date on which the employee is scheduled to be re-certified
Nights and Weekends
Create Timestamp of incidents that fall within Monday to Friday, 10pm to 7am and all day on the weekends.
NIH Funded
Indicates whether the award is NIH funded
Fiscal Year of NIH
NIH FY Month
The month number of NIH Fiscal Year
No Message
Filter for records that contain values in the message field of the student tuition distribution history table. The message field is populated when there is some exception noted for the transaction such as a record from a prior term or absence of matching registration activity for the billing transaction.
Non-Compensation Expenditures
Includes all expenses that are not considered Compensation.
Non-confirmed Rating
Amount that the prospect could donate to any institution over five years, as defined by background research, including vendor screening
Non Degree Enrollment Count
Count for the Non Degree students enrolled for a particular CRN
Non Fed Awards CFDA not ZZ.NF or ZZ.PI
This shows a count of distinct Awards where Award Number ends with 'N' and CFDA <> 'ZZ.NF' and CFDA <> 'ZZ.PI'
Non-Labor Resource
Unique name that identifies the non-labor resource that will be used in pre-approved batch. Non-labor resources allow us to credit the correct accounting string related with a resource in a pre-approved batch.
Non-major Gift Prospect
Prospects with the means and affinity to donate less than $50,000 to GW.