Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2501 - 2525 of 4076
Meeting 5
Fifth meeting of class considering meeting pattern and course dates.
Meeting 6
Sixth meeting of class considering meeting pattern and course dates.
Meeting Date
Shows the date of the meeting.
Meeting Duration (Mins)
Displays the length of time for the meeting in minutes.
Meeting End Date
If a course has more than one meeting pattern, this is the last date of that meeting pattern, otherwise it's the same as Course End Date.
Meeting Pattern (Single record)
Describes the meeting days, start and end time, building code with the room and date details for a course.
The days of the week that the class will meet.
Meeting Start Date
If a course has more than one meeting pattern, this is the first date of that meeting pattern, otherwise it's the same as Course Start Date.
Melt (Grad) (Decision Status)
Melt (Grad) is one of the decision
statuses. It indicates applicants accepted admission, but the latest
decision is not Coming. Melt (Grad) is used by
Graduate Admission Office.
Melt (UGA) (Decision Status)
Melt (UGA) is one of the decision statuses. It indicates applicants accepted admission, but the latest decision is not Coming nor Entry Term Changed. Melt (UGA) is used by Undergraduate Admission Office.
Memo Amount
The memo dollar amount of the award for one period.
Memo Date
The date of the memo containing the amount of the award for one period.
Merchant Code
Code that identifies the merchant
The first 30 characters of the record processing messages found in the Message field of the student tuition distribution history table. The message field is populated when there is some exception noted for the transaction, such as record for a prior term or absence of a corresponding registration for a billing transaction.
MFA Budget
Budget allocated to Medical Faculty Association Project Investigator (PI) on Sponsored Projects.
MFA Expenses
Expenses associated with Medical Faculty Association faculty and staff on Sponsored Projects.
Binary formula that specifies whether the award organization is Medical Faculty Association
Middle Name
Contains the middle name of an individual
Milestone Dates
A date relative to the start of classes across years and term codes for each milestone record, all of which have a description of the offset from start of classes, or census
Milestone Description
A Description of the Milestone period
Milestone Key
Generated Sequential Number Used for Relating Milestones to fact tables
Milestone Order
Sequential values that allow ordering of the milestones to match customer expectations (currently between -20 and +15.5)
Milestone Term
Term Code that applies to the Milestone
Milestone Term Type
Displays the Term Type that applies to the Milestone
Milestone Term Year
Term Year that applies to the Milestone