Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2451 - 2475 of 4076
Manager Name
Name of manager who oversees listed individuals
Manager - submitted Performance Rating
Manager - submitted Performance Rating contains no data and is valued by the user
Manual Adjustment Layer
Indicates the type of manual adjustment that was made.
Manually removed
Students who are never coming to campus in the term selected as determined by their department.
Manual Regist Count
The count of records with the classification of Manual Regist Count. Manual registrations are those done administratively throught Banner.
Manual Registration Information
Freeform Information related to a specific Manual Registrations. As of May 2014, all entries contain the date of record deletion.
Description of a person's marital code as self reported.
Marital Code
Code used for a person's self reported Marital status.
Marital Status
Self reported marital status of a person.
Master ECLS Ind
PTRUSER_MASTER_ECLS_Ind is an indicates when an empllyee has access to all ECLS codes in Banner
Master ORGN Ind
PTRUSER_MASTER_ORGN_Ind is an indicates when an empllyee has access to all Orgnaization codes in Banner
Match Year
The calendar year in which the student was matched to a residency program
Math Registrations
This field identifies if a student has registered for one of the MATH courses and if not this field will be NULL
Matriculated Indicator (Y/Missing)
Shows if a student has enrolled in a program of study at the university with the intention of earning a degree.
Matriculated Student
matriculated student has applied for admission and is enrolled in a degree,
certificate, or diploma program.
Max Benefit of Deduction Effective Date as Today
This is the maximum (latest) date the benefit/deduction becomes effective not to include dates in the future.
Max Benefit or Deduction Effective Date
This is the maximum (latest) date the benefit/deduction becomes effective
Max Effective Date by Employee
This field shows the max Effective Date (Job) for an employee.
Max Effective Dated Account A
Account A by Maximum Effective Date for detail code in TSADETC
Max Effective Dated Account B
Account B by Maximum Effective Date for detail code in TSADETC
Max Effective Dated Accounting Activity Date
Accounting Activity Date by Maximum Effective Date for detail code in TSADETC
Max Effective Dated Fund A
Fund A by Maximum Effective Date for detail code in TSADETC
Max Effective Dated Fund B
Fund B by Maximum Effective Date for detail code in TSADETC
Max Effective Dated Index A
Index A by Maximum Effective Date for detail code in TSADETC
Max Effective Dated Index B
Index B by Maximum Effective Date for detail code in TSADETC