Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2476 - 2500 of 4076
Max Effective Dated Org B
Org B by Maximum Effective Date for detail code in TSADETC
Max Effective Dated Percent
Percent Distribution by Maximum Effective Date for detail code in TSADETC
Max Effective Date Org A
Org A by Maximum Effective Date for detail code in TSADETC
Max Enrollment
Maximum enrollment size for the course/section.
Max Hours for This Student Class
Maximum hours for the student class.
Maximum Job Effective Date Indicator
Maximum Job Effective to Date Indicator
Maximum Registration Hours
Shows the maximum hours a student can register based on their academic standing.
Maximum Term
Maximum term where the sysdate falls between the start and end date of the term table.
Maximum Test Score
Identifies the value of the maximum score for the associated test.
Max Record Indicator
Indicates if this is the Max Record associated with the Manual Registration
MCAT Subject Score
Individual subject scores on the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)
Mean Salary
The sum of all salaries divided by the number of employees (headcount). This can be broken out across additional dimensions such as employee type, race/ethnicity, or generation.
Measure Names
The names of the measures values in the visualization
Median Days Delinquent
The Median Days Delinquent represent the midpoint of the frequency of Business Days Delinquent from the set of all Business Days Delinquent greater than zero in a given time period. If and only if there are no delinquencies in a period of time, the value is set to zero.
Median Salary
The median salary is the salary occurring at the exact midpoint of the set of all salaries where the set is ordered in either ascending or descending order. This can be broken out across additional dimensions such as employee type, race/ethnicity, or generation.
Medical Basic Deductions YTD
Medical Basic Deductions Year to Date
Medical High Deductible Deductions YTD
Medical High Deductible Deductions Year to Date.
Medical Medium Deductions YTD
Medical Medium Deductions Year to Date
Medical Resident
An employee is a medical resident who is undergoing specialized training in a specific field of medicine within GW.
Medicare Identification Number
Medicare Provider Number
The Medicare Provider Number is used to identify each separately certified Medicare provider or supplier. It is used to track provider agreements and cost reports.
Meeting 2
Second meeting of class considering meeting pattern and course dates.
Meeting 3
Third meeting of class considering meeting pattern and course dates.
Meeting 4
Fourth meeting of class considering meeting pattern and course dates.