Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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Lab Name
The anatomy lab experience the student participated in that they are providing feedback for.
Labor Cost
The amount of labor cost for the period and for the Banner Chart of Account elements
Labor Distribution
Labor distribution represents how a position is budgeted or a job is charged. The labor distribution is broken out into 6 main elements in Banner: Organization, Fund, Account, Program, Activity, and Location. A job can be charged to multiple combinations of these elements, represented by percentage, but the sum of the percentages of charges must always equal 100%.
Labor Distribution Index
The Index in Banner is used as a short cut method to the data entry of an accounting distribution. It may contain any or all of the account distribution columns.
Labor Distribution Organization
The organization to which labor is charged.
Labor Effective Date
Labor Effective Date is the date the position labor distributuion is effective
Labor Effort
The percent of effort spent by an employee on a given award based on Banner HR Labor Distributions.
Labor Percent
This is a calculated field dividing the Labor Cost by the Total Labor Cost
Last Enrollment College
The last college a student was enrolled in.
Last Enrollment Degree
The last degree a student was enrolled in.
Last Enrollment Term
The last term a student was enrolled in.
Last Login
The date an employee last accessed Banner
Last Name
Identifier for Financial Director last name
Last Name
Contains the last name of an individual.
Last Paid Date
The date an employee was last paid on a given job.
Last Term Attended
Provides the most recent (current or previous) term attended by the student.
Last Term Registered
Last Registration Term for Student.
Last Term Subject Attended
The last term a student took courses on a subject for a specific level
Last Transaction Date
Date of the donor's most recent gift or pledge.
Last Transaction Value
Dollar amount of the most recent legal credit transaction for the respective prospect.
Last Update User
Activity Date that student record was last updated.
Last Work Date
The last work date is the last day at the current job position for a GW employee. It might sometimes coincide with the last day of service or termination date but most often is used to identify until what date an employee is considered part of the current department/unit. This date might not be mandatory for faculty personnel as schedules and work commitments might vary widely.
Latest Application Decision
Describes the latest application decision taken for a student's application.
Latest Application Decision Code
Corresponds to the latest SARAPPD_APDC_Code
Latest Application Decision Desc
Describes what the code relates to such as 01=Offer Admission