Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2301 - 2325 of 4076
Invoice Limit Ind (Y/N)
Invoice limit indicator/flag
Invoice Line Desc
Invoice Line Description
Invoice Line Number
Invoice Line
Invoice Number
Number associated with a invoice
Invoice Source
Interface/Manual source for the invoice.
Invoice Status
The status of the invoice as it is transferred to Oracle Receivables
Involuntary Turnover
Involuntary Turnover is a type of turnover that occurs when the employer discharges an employee from the university. Examples of involuntary turnover include misconduct, absence without leave, or an invalid or expired Federal form I-9.
IPEDS Ethnicity
The Ethnicity Description of a person according to IPEDS
Ipeds Indicator
The IPEDS Reporting Indicator enables you to identify any job as IPEDS reportable regardless of the job type.
Academic rank titles of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, lecturer or the equivalent
IRB Date
Date on which the Institutional Review Board approved the research
IR Reg Type Code
Registration Type Code used by Institutional Research
IR Reg Type Desc
Description of the Registration type code used by Institutional Research.
IR Reg Type Grouping
Grouping of the Registration Type used by Institutional Research
Is Effective Date Max as Today?
Indicates that the effecitve date is the maximum date less than or equal to the current date for the Benefit or Deduction code.
Issue Date
The issue date for this funding action
IT Capability
The primary capability that is provided by this roadmap initiative.
IT Capability
Institutional or organizational capabilities are skills, processes, tools and systems that an organization uses as a whole to drive meaningful business results. IT Capabilities focus are identified seperately to help GW IT compose its unique value to GW.
This is the unique identifier for an IT Capability used by GW IT. It allows for data integrity in multiple database relationships.
Item in Suspense Ind
Indicates that the expenditure is being held in a Suspense P/T/A
ITSM Problem Summary
Short description of the incident, change, problems and workorders.
ITSM Resolution Summary
Resolution description on incident, problems and workorder numbers.
IT Sub-Capability
Institutional or organizational capabilities that are related to the IT Capability and unique complex enough to warrant it's own sub-category. IT Sub-Capabilities focus are identified seperately to help GW IT compose its unique value to GW. See IT Capabilities.
IT Tower Name
Name of IT Tower as identified by TBM Taxonomy 2.1. IT towers and sub-towers are the basic building blocks of services and applications. Examples include compute (e.g., servers, Unix, mainframe), network, application (e.g., app dev, app support and maintenance) and IT management. They are sometimes called domains or functions. Many IT shops have dedicated departments or cost centers for towers that are then delivered as shared resources for application and service owners.
Job Begin Date
The date the job assignment first started. This value remains constant once set regardless of termination or reactivation of the job.