Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2276 - 2300 of 4076
Intake Sequence No
Used to keep track of the sequence of modifications/revisions made to the award within award setup. Each modification may change the award's details and/or funding amounts.
International Student
Indicates an International Student based upon visa type code.
International students are persons admitted by a country other than their own, usually under special permits or visas, for the specific purpose of following a particular course of study in an accredited institution of the receiving country.
Interview Schedule Status
If the engagement type is "interview", it shows whether the interview has been approved, declined, or pending.
Interview Schedule Template Name
If the engagement type is "interview", it shows the type of interview that is being held.
Invalid Award (Y/N)
Indicates whether an award is invalid or not.
Investment Projection
Capital Investment required to implement the roadmap initiative. This information can be used to cross validate with Budget projections
Invoice Amount
The Invoice Amount
Invoice Amount
The amount for the Accounts Receivable Invoice.
Invoice Amount APTB
Total invoice amount of the Accounts Payables Trail Balance (APTB).
Invoice Amount Source
Identifier of the transaction source of invoice amount. If an invoice has multiple distribution lines, the source is DIST_AMT, otherwise the source is INV_PAY_AMT.
Invoice Batch
The batch name of the Invoice.
Invoice Create Date
The date in whcih an invoice was created
Invoice Currency Code
Identifier for Invoice Currency Code
Invoice Date
The date of the Invoice.
Invoice Date
The date of the Invoice
Invoice Desc
Invoice Description
Invoice Distribution Creation Date
The date invoice distribution line is created
Invoice Distribution Desc
Invoice Distribution Description
Invoice Distribution GL Date
The general ledger accounting date of the invoice distribution line.
Invoice Distribution ID
Invoice Distribution ID
Invoice Distribution Line Number
Invoice Distribution Line Number
Invoice Distribution Region
Invoice Distribution Region
Invoice Distribution Type
Displays the type of distribution used on the invoice
Invoice GL Date
The General Ledger date of the Accounts Receivable Invoice
Invoice ID
Uniquely identifies an Invoice in the EAS system