Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2251 - 2275 of 4076
In Progress Credit Hours
Sum of Credit Hours
In Review?
Determines if a person Covid 19 status for "Compliant" or "Booster" is under review or not.
Inst Accept Ind (Y/Missing)
Indicated if GW accepted the Application
Installment Active ind (Y/N)
This indicator shows if the Installment is still active.
Installment Award Number
The Award Number of the Installment
Installment Close Date
The close date of the Installment
Installment Comments
Comments that are listed on the Installment.
Installment Desc
Description of the Installment.
Installment End Date
The end date of the installment.
Installment Id
The ID of the Installment
Installment Issue Date
The Issue date of the Installment
Installment Number
The number of the Installment
Installment Number
Installment number for the award
Installment Start Date
The start date of the Installment
Installment Type
Displays the type of Installment
Institutional Honors Code
Institutional honor code associated with a student's graduation Degree Seq No.
Institutional Honors Desc
Institutional honor description associated with a student's graduation Degree Seq No.
Inst Reject Ind (Y/Missing)
Shows if the application was rejected by GW
Instructional Method
The Instructional Method indicated for the Term and CRN
Instructor College Group
Combined code and description providing the primary college group affiliation of the primary instructor of the course.
Instructor Department
Combined code and description providing the primary department affiliation of the primary instructor of the course.
Instructor Faculty Status
Faculty status of the primary instructor of the course.
Instructor Session Percent
Percentage expected to be fulfilled by an instructor per each session
Instructor Teaching Percent
Total percentage expected to be fulfilled by an instructor in a semester.
In Suspense?
Indicates that an award has expediture items in suspense