Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2151 - 2175 of 4076
Highest Sponsor Name
The name of the highest sponsor for the award. If there is a Prime Sponsor for the award, it would be the Prime Sponsor Name. If no Prime Sponsor exists, it would be the Sponsor Name.
Highest Sponsor Name
The name of the highest sponsor for the award. If there is a Prime Sponsor for the award, it would be the Prime Sponsor Name. If no Prime Sponsor exists, it would be the Sponsor Name.
Highest Sponsor Type
The type of the highest sponsor for the award. If there is a Prime Sponsor for the award, it would be the Prime Sponsor Type. If no Prime Sponsor exists, it would be the Sponsor Type.
Hiring Max
This compensation metric amount is calculated by increasing the Salary Range High by 95%.
History Date
The pay event date refered to as "history date" of a transaction
Hold Issued by
The Office/Department that created a hold for the student. A hold can only be released by the office that placed it.
Hold Reason
The reason for the hold.
Hold Released?
Indicates whether a hold has been lifted by the office/department that created it
Holds Exist? (Y/N)
Indicate if there is any hold that prevents graduation related services
Hold Type
The type of hold on the person's record.
Hold User
Hold User is the Banner user ID for the person or job that created the hold record.
Home E-Mail Address
Home Email Address from GOREMAL
Hours in Progress
Shows the hours in progress if current term has been selected. Not included in Cum or Term Hours. Approximated based on standard course hours.
Hours or Units
Hours or Units is the hours worked by an employee subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act up to 40 hours per week
Hours Per Day
The projected hours to be worked per day on a given job record.
Hours per Earn Code
The number of hours associated with the earn code
Hours Per Pay
The projected hours to be worked per pay period on a given job record in Banner.
Hours Spent
Number of hours spent on a project as logged by individual employee through PPM
Housing Appl Cancel Date
The date an applicant canceled the housing application.
Housing Application Flag
This flag counts the number of housing applications has been received in the chosen period
Housing Application Type
The application type that a student applies for housing
Housing Assigned?
This field indicated if the student has a record of a Housing address.
Housing Cancel Count
Housing Cancel Flag reflects the number of housing application that has been canceled by the applicant.
Housing Exemption Flag
Housing Exemption Flag counts how many Residency Exemption Approval exist in the chosen dataset.