Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2101 - 2125 of 4076
GWIPP-Adjusted Org at the Time of the Expense
If the Award Organization is the GW Institute for Public Policy (GWIPP),
then award credit is given to the PI's Banner Home Org (which may also
be the GW Institute for Public Policy). The GWIPP Adjusted Org at the Time of Expense shows the
organization that will receive credit for the award after this
adjustment has been made, basing the adjustment on the PI at the time of expense.
GW IT Portfolio
Combinations of organizational groups that may involve
1 Executive Level, 2 Division and School Level, Student Req College Group,
Empl Req Orgn Lvls 1-5 Desc or any combination thereof that are defined within Service and Contract Management
GW Match
GW Match percentage amount contribution towards employee's retirement based on employee contribution election.
GWorld Card Approval Code
The code of Gworld card access approval
GWorld Card Approval Desc
Describes the Gworld Card Approval Code (the type of access granted)
GWorld Card Approval Group
Place Gworld Card Approval descriptions into groups of 'Approved' and 'Denied'.
Gworld Card Grouping Affiliation Level 1
List of all groups that an employee is associated with for example STAFF, ALUMNI, STUDENT
Gworld Card Grouping Affiliation Level 2
List of schools that the employee is associated with for example CCAS, GWSB and ESIA.
GWorld Card Location Code
Location where the Gworld card was scanned
GWorld Card Location Desc
Description of the location where the Gworld card was scanned.
GWorld Card Location Groups
List of all group descriptions that the location belongs to
GWorld Card Transaction Time 12HR
This field contains values of time in 12 hour format
GWorld Card Transaction Time 24HR
This field contains values of time in 24 hour format
GWorld Card Transaction Time AMPM
This field contains the value AM or PM for Morning or Evening
GWorld Card Transaction Time Ceiling 10Min
This field contains maximum value for time period range for 10 min
GWorld Card Transaction Time Ceiling 15Min
This field contains maximum value for time period range for 15 min
GWorld Card Transaction Time Ceiling 30Min
This field contains maximum value for time period range for 30 min
GWorld Card Transaction Time Ceiling Hour
This field contains maximum value for time period range
GWorld Card Transaction Time Floor 10Min
This field contains minimum value for time period range 10min
GWorld Card Transaction Time Floor 15Min
This field contains minimum value for time period range 15min
GWorld Card Transaction Time Floor 30Min
This field contains minimum value for time period range 30min
GWorld Card Transaction Time Floor Hour
This field contains minimum value for time period range
GWorld Card Transaction Time HHMM
Gworld Card Transaction time in Hours and Minute
GWorld Card Transaction Time H:M:S
GWorld Card Transaction Time