Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2026 - 2050 of 4076
GPA Overall
A student's overall academic performance, which is calculated as a numerical average of grades earned in all courses. The GPA is determined on a 4.0 scale, and the overall looks at the total of the GPA.
Gradable Identifier
Y or N based on if the course/section is gradable.
% Graded
Shows the % of the student graded by the instructor
Grade Mode Code
Grade code for the course
Grade Mode Desc
Description of the grade mode for the course.
Grade Outstanding?
The number of students that have not received a grade
Grade Point Average
The value of the total quality points divided by the Credit Hours for Grade Point Average.
Grades Outstanding
Shows the count of the grade not being submitted
Grades Submitted
Shows the count of the grades submitted
Grade Submitted?
The number of students that have received a grade
Grad Term
Graduation Term
Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistants are graduate students hired for
primarily non-research activities such as teaching and administrative duties
related to their program of study. Graduate Assistants are paid a monthly
salary as compensation for their service to the university. Their duties may
include leading a discussion section, teaching a course or laboratory section,
writing proposals, or supporting the operation of a laboratory. In their role as Graduate Assistants, they do
not work on research projects that are designed to produce generalizable
% Graduated
Percent of students who Graduated out of total students who were enrolled
Graduated on Time
Indicates if a student graduated within the specified program time-to-completion. All "on-time" definitions are published in the SMHS time-to-complete tables
Graduated on Time Rate
Percentage of students that graduated within the specified time-to-completion
Graduated Y/N
It indicates if a student is graduated with the same level from the student educational planner
Graduate Fellow (GF)
Graduate Fellows are graduate students in a
pure training role. Graduate fellowships may be funded by the university or an external grant making body. Graduate fellows receive educational assistance, such as tuition fellowships or stipends, as appropriate, to support their training. If their educational assistance is funded by an external entity, the funding instrument must allow for training experience and
not be specifically disallowed by the funding announcement, the funding agency,
or any other source. Graduate
fellows are not
expected to provide services to the university.
Graduate Research Assistant
Graduate Research Assistants are graduate students who are
employed by the university and are supported by internal or external funding sources.
Graduate Research Assistants are paid a monthly salary as compensation for the
work they perform and/or the products they produce for the Principal
Investigator of the project on which they are working. Their work on
research projects are designed to produce generalizable knowledge.
Graduate Research Fellow (GRF)
Graduate Research Fellows are graduate students who are supported by internal or external funding sources and who are engaged primarily in research training activities. Graduate research fellows receive educational assistance, such as tuition fellowships or stipends, as appropriate, to support their training. If their educational assistance is funded by an external entity, the funding instrument must
allow for training experience
and not be specifically disallowed by the funding announcement, the funding
agency, or any other source. As part of
their education, graduate research fellows may, but will not necessarily, engage in activities that benefit a university research project.
Graduate Salary
This term refers to monthly graduate salaries paid to GAs
and GRAs as payment for their services.
Graduation Application
Student's intent to complete program requirements in the application semester.
Graduation Authorize ID
This field identifies the person who added or updated the graduation application.
Graduation College
The GW college which the students graduated from.
Graduation Date
Standardized month and day for each of the three graduation terms. Year reflects the graduation year.
Graduation Date
A student will be awarded the graduation date for the term in which degree requirements, including submission of supporting documents, have been met. Although course work may have been completed in a prior term, the degree will be awarded only for the term for which all academic and administrative requirements have been fulfilled.