Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2051 - 2075 of 4076
Graduation Rate
The total number of completers within 4, 5, 6 years of normal time divided by the revised cohort minus any allowable exclusions.
Graduation Status
Combines Graduation Status Code and description.
Graduation Status Code
Code used for the graduation status
Graduation Status Desc
Describes the graduation status such as Cleared, Pending, etc
Graduation Term
Term that the student graduates in.
Grants and Contracts Officer
The OVPR Award Analyst who is assigned on the award with an EAS role of Grants and Contract Officer
Grants TC Category
The name of the Term and Condition category on the award.
Grants Term Code
Term and Condition code Name for Capital Equipment on the award
Grants Term Description
The description of the Term and Condition Code for Capital Equipment on the award
GRE Date of Test
Date which the Graduate Record Examinations Test (GRE) Test was recorded.
GRE Quantitative
Graduate Records Examination Quantitative Score.
GRE Quantitative Percent
Graduate Record Examination Quantitative Percentile Score.
GRE Quantitative Raw
Graduate Record Examination Quantitative Raw Score.
GRE Verbal
Graduate Record Examination Verbal Score.
GRE Verbal Percent
Graduate Record Examination Verbal Percentile Score.
GRE Verbal Raw
Graduate Record Examination Verbal Raw Score.
GRE Writing Percentile
Graduate Record Examination Writing Percentile Score.
GRE Writing Raw
Graduate Record Examination Writing Raw Score.
Gross Pay
Total gross amount for the event
% Growth (Expenditures)
Year-over-year comparison of expenditures.
% Growth (Other)
Year-over-year comparison of Other Changes in Net Assets.
% Growth (Revenue)
Year-over-year comparison of revenues.
% Growth YoY
Year-over-year comparison of GL activity
GTL Changed
Indicator to show a change has likely been made between monthly and biweekly pay, or some other adjustment.
Gurfeed Activity Date
Date transactions are created in GURFEED table for interface from Banner to EAS (student receivables, payroll, etc.)