Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2626 - 2650 of 4076
Non-refundable Tuition - Drop
Represents a penality chanrge that is assessed when a student drops a class during the penalty period.
Non-taxable Fellowship
This category includes payments
to the student or credits to a student’s account used only for tuition and required
fees, books, supplies, or equipment.
Non-taxable fellowships are not taxable income to the student and there
is no requirement for the University to report these payments to the student or
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). One
type of non-taxable fellowship is a tuition award.
Employee does not have tenure status at the University
Not Coming (Decision Status)
Not Coming is one of the decision statuses.
Not Coming-WAABC
Not Coming: Withdraw After Admit But Before Commit. A "Y" if (1) the latest decision code begins with 8 (like "8%") AND (2) One of its previous decision codes (SARAPPD_APDC_CODE) in (01, 05, 07, 25) AND (3) There are no previous decision codes (SARAPPD_APDC_ CODE) in (20, 70, 72, 73)
Not Coming-WDAC
Not Coming: Withdraw After Commit. A "Y" if (1) the latest Decision Code Begins with 8 (Like "8%") AND (2) One of its previous decision codes (SARAPPD_APDC_ CODE) in (20, 70, 72, 73)
Not Coming-WPAD
Not Coming: Withdraw Prior to Admission Decision A "Y" if 1) the latest decision code begins with 8 (like "8%") AND 2) There are no previous decision codes in (01, 05, 07, 20, 25, 70, 72, 73)
Additional Information provided by the Roadmap Owner to add value to the Roadmaps
Notifies if the award's funding has been modified, exceeds budget, or end date is near
NTRLVID Activity Date
Activity Date is the date the transaction was entered into Banner
NTRPCLS Salary Table
NTRPCLS Salary Table references the salary table assigned on NTRPCLS. This Salary Table defines which salary structure is being used, which is assigned at the position class level, but also displays on the position and job records. Salary Tables are either hourly or salary-based, and can vary based on type of work (Facilities, Campus Police, Research, IT, General).
Null Issue Date
True or False Indicator to identify if the Installment issue date is Null or Not Null
Number of Awards
Shows the count of unique awards in each funding group. The number of awards is not impacted by the GL Date filter.
Number of Honors
Number of honors earned by student during coursework. Derived by summing up number of course grades that meet the requirement
Number of Principal Investigators
A distinct count of Principal Investigators who had an active P/T/A (Project/Task/Award) in the fiscal year.
Number of RSVP of Tracked Events
The number of RSVPs for events.
Num of Meetings
A sum of the number of scheduled course meetings
Nutrition Science Core/Prereq
Indicates whether or not a course is a core or prerequisite for the undergraduate Nutrition Science program
The unique seven or eight character names of Banner object forms, reports, jobs and tables are assigned according to a set of conventions. Each name is built from the same four components
% of Budget
Indicates how much has been recorded so far this fiscal year (YTD Actual) against the approved Annual Budget, expressed as a percentage of the Annual Budget amount.
% of Compensation
Shows the % share of each salary category to the total expenditure for the fiscal year.
Off-Campus Budget Projections Credit Hour Count
The total credit hours that represent the final projection for each college
Off-Campus Budget Projections Term
The term (semester and calendar year) for which the projected credit hours were submitted
Off-Campus Detail Credit Hours College
The college for which the credit hours registered are being recorded
Off-Campus Detail Credit Hours Count
The credit hours registered for by the college and campus designated