Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 601 - 625 of 4049
Budget Group Description
Describes the budget group code and identifies what it represents.
Budget Org Code
Budget Org Code associated with the funding of the Roadmap Initiative
Budget Org Name
Budget Org Name associated with the funding of the Roadmap Initiative
Budget Status
Identifies the status of the budget request for a position.
Budget Type Code
Identify a particular type of budget. EXAMPLES: INST, Pell
Budget Type Description
Describes the budget type code and identifies what it represents.
Budget Version
This is the last budget version ID when the budget was baselined
Budget Workflow Enabled Ind (Y/N)
Budget workflow enabled flag
The name of the building where the crime or service call occurred
Describes the name of the building based on the code. Such as building code 06 = Crawford Hall.
Building Code
Abbreviation of the name of the building. It may be a 2,3 or 4 letter code which comes from the name of the building.
Building Description
A Building Description describes a GW structure or space.
Building /Facility Rental
This is a calculated field based on the Direct/Indirect Cost from Sponsor for accounts 56311 and 55591
Building Maximum Capacity
Identifies the maximum capacity of the building.
Building & Room
Displays the Building and Room.
Building Room Status
Shows the status of the room if it is free, occupied, or course conflict.
Business Address
Combination of business address line 1, city, state and zipcode
Business Address Line1
First line information of the business address
Business Address Line2
Second business address line
Business Area
Business Area is the grouping of HR Reporting units by Business Function
Business City
City information of the Business address
Business Date
Business Date is a measurement of time that represents any day of the week in which normal business is conducted.
Business Day Indicator
GW Business Day Indicator - A measurement of time that typically refers to any day in which normal business is conducted. This is generally considered to be Monday through Friday and excludes weekends and public holidays.
Business Days Counted
The Business Days Counted are a calcluation that determines if the Calculated I9 Date is greater or equal to each business date for an employee. If it is, it receives a value of 1, otherwise it receives a value of 0. The sum of these values are used to calculate I-9 delinquency.