Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 626 - 650 of 4051
Business Days Counted by GWID
The Business Days Counted by GWID is the sum of Business Days Counted for each employee.
Business Days Delinquent
The Business Days Delinquent are a calculation based on total Business Days Counted. The calculation is based on the business rule for I-9 delinquency. An I-9 is considered delinquent if it is completed more than three business days past the current hire date of the employee. As such, values of 3 or less are set to 0, otherwise 3 days are subtracted from the Business Days Counted in order to determine the correct number of Business Days Delinquent.
Business E-Mail Address
Business email is simply the email which you use specifically for your business.
Business Postal Code
Zip code information of the business address
Business State
State information for the Business address
Business Work Phone
Phone number that is associated with the business
A GWU procurement employee who excecuted the purchase order.
CAGR Applicants
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) measures annual growth percentage rate of total Student Applicants for the years included. A CAGR will not be calculated if data is not complete for the last 5 years.
CAGR Credit Hours
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) measures annual growth percentage rate of total Credit Hours for the years included.
CAGR Enrollment
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) measures annual growth rate of total Student Enrollments for the years included. A CAGR will not be calculated if data is not complete for the last 5 years.
Calculated I-9 Date
The Calculated I-9 Date is a derived date value used for calculation of I-9 delinquency. It will generally be the Original I-9 Date unless certain other conditions are met (e.g. Original I-9 Date is null, etc.).
Calculation Rule
This field is a number (10, 20, 21, 50, 54) that identifies the calculation used.
The calendar date allows the specific day to be identified.
The specific calendar day associated with the calendar date.
The specific day of the week associated with the calendar date.
The specific calendar month associated with the calendar date in MM format.
The specific calendar abbreviated month associated with the calendar date. Ex. Jan.
The specific calendar month spelled out associated with the calendar date. Ex. January.
The one-year period that begins on January 1 and ends on December 31, based on the commonly used Gregorian calendar.
The specific calendar year associated with the calendar date.
Calls to Ticket Variance
The difference between the number of ITSC calls answered (calculated from the ACD Calls Answered field) and the number of tickets opened.
Campaign Attainment
Legal-credit dollar-amount value of the donation received per campaign reporting rules.
Campaign Pillar
University-defined groupings of allocations for the "Making History" campaign as they align to the marketed funding needs. All values are determined by a pre-defined grouping of the CFAE Purpose Code and CFAE Sub Code.
Break New Ground
Enhance Academics
Support Students
Campaign Use
University-defined groupings of allocations for the "Making History" campaign to segment fundraising totals by how the revenue is allocated for spending. All values are determined by a pre-defined grouping of the CFAE Purpose Code and CFAE Sub Code.
Current Use
Campus where the crime or service call occurred
Physical location where University academic programs take place.