Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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Card Verification Code or Value
Also known as Card Validation Code or Value, or Card Security Code. Refers to either: (1) magnetic-stripe data, or (2) printed security features.
Data element on a card's magnetic stripe that uses secure cryptographic processes to protect data integrity on the stripe, and reveals any alteration or counterfeiting. Referred to as CAV, CVC, CVV, or CSC depending on payment card brand. The following list provides the terms for each card brand:
CAV - Card Authentication Value (JCB payment cards)
CVC - Card Validation Code (MasterCard payment cards)
CVV - Card Verification Value (Visa and Discover payment cards)
CSC - Card Security Code (American Express)
For Discover, JCB, MasterCard, and Visa payment cards, the second type of card verification value or code is the rightmost three-digit value printed in the signature panel area on the back of the card. For American Express payment cards, the code is a four-digit unembossed number printed above the PAN on the face of the payment cards. The code is uniquely associated with each individual piece of plastic and ties the PAN to the plastic. The following list provides the terms for each card brand:
CID - Card Identification Number (American Express and Discover payment cards)
CAV2 - Card Authentication Value 2 (JCB payment cards)
CVC2 - Card Validation Code 2 (MasterCard payment cards)
CVV2 - Card Verification Value 2 (Visa payment cards)
Career Center Name
Name of the career centers
Career Fairs attended
Number of Career Fairs that were attended.
Career Fairs missed
Number of Career Fairs that were missed.
Career Stream
A Career Stream defines broad roles within the organization that are based on the level within the organization, the focus of the role, and type of tasks typical to those jobs. GW has four career streams: Executive, Manager, Individual Contributor, or Service & Support.
Carrier Route
Address carrier route.
Case Class
Classification of the crime or service Call (e.g.. Liquor Law Violation, Drugs, Alarm Activity)
Case Count
Count of crime or service call occurred
Case Description
Sub-classification of the crime or service Call (e.g.. Theft II/From Building, Alarm Activity: Smoke Detector Observation, Loud Noise - Observation )
Case Type
It is used to define whether a case is categorized as crime enforcement or service call
Cash Advance Limit
The authorized amount for a Procurement Cardholder to use as cash advance. The default value is generally $0
Cash Amount
Cash Amount
Total value of tangible funds received by the university, including outright gifts, matching gifts, and pledge
Cash Application Status
The status of the cash application
Cashflow Account Code
In general, this is the account code in the G/L which is the 2nd of the 9-segment Accounting String. It is usually numeric with five characters except for the account codes used for cash flow adjustments which are alphanumeric.
Cashflow Account Long Description
In general, this is the label description of the Account segment of the General Ledger Accounting string. It also provides a description of the adjustment for cash flow adjustments.
Cash Receipt
The total amount of cash receipts applied
Cash Receipts Pre-Production
Amount of money from cash receipt prior to production.
Cash Received
Total value of tangible funds received by the university, including outright gifts, matching gifts, and pledge payments. Future commitments without payment are not included.
CA Street Line 1
CA Street Line 1 is the physical street address line 1 for the employee's campus location
CA Street Line 2
CA Street Line 2 is the physical street address line 2 for the employee's campus location
CA Street Line 3
CA Street Line 3 is the physical street address line 3 for the employee's campus location
Categorization Tier 1
Operational Categorization Tier 1 for incident, change, problems and workorders.
Categorization Tier 2
Operational Categorization Tier 2 for incident, change, problems and workorders.
Categorization Tier 3
Operational Categorization Tier 3 for incident, change, problems and workorders.