Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 501 - 525 of 4049
BANNER Org Effective Date
BANNER Org Effective Date
BANNER Org Group Code
BANNER Org Group Code
BANNER Org Group Desc
BANNER Org Group Desc
BANNER Org Hierarchy
BANNER Org Hierarchy
The value of the next higher organizational level unless this is level 1.
BANNER Org Level
BANNER Org Level
BANNER Org NChange Date
BANNER Org NChange Date
BANNER Org Status Ind
BANNER Org Status Ind
Banner Payroll Earnings
Sum of Earn Amount grouped by Gwid, Payroll ID, Earn Type Code and Banner Account Code
Banner User
Banner User who entered the application of student payments and charges TBRAPPL transaction.
Base Attainment Goal
A realistic and motivating fiscal year goal set by DAR based on historical averages and the prospect base for the expected fundraising total of outright gifts and commitments.
Base ECLS Long Desc
The Base ECLS Long Desc is the long description of the Base ECLS Code and describes the employee. Typically, this will match the Employee class Code assigned to an employees' primary job.
Base Employee Class Code
The employee class code that best describes the employee. Typically, this will match the employee class code assigned to an employee's primary job.
Baseline Date
Current baseline date, or date of budget approval, for the Award Budget
Batch Number
The identifier that groups expenditures together for processing
Begin Balance
Beginning Balance for account
Begin Balance CR
Identifier for Begin Balance Credit
Begin Balance DR
Identifier for Begin Balance Debit
Begin Date
Accounting period start date
Begin Date Time
Beginning date/time for each block.
Begin Time 12 HR
Displays the beginning time for 12 hour increment.
Begin Time HHMM
Displays the beginning of time in hours and minutes
Below the Min
This indicator (y/n) looks at whether an employees annual salary is less than the position's salary range low.
Benefit Amount1
Benefit amount associated with the Amount description and title.
Benefit Amount2
Benefit amount associated with the Amount description and title.