Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 426 - 450 of 4076
Award Amount
The funded dollar amount of the award as setup in EAS.
Award Balance
The total remaining balance of unspent and unencumbered funds for the PTA
Award Budget
The total Budget amount for the PTA
Award Cancel Indicator
This indicator specifies whether the award status indicates that the award has been cancelled.
Award Close Date
The date that the final financial report is due on an award - all expenses must be posted and all revenue and invoicing completed by this date
Award Code
Parent code used to identify tuition award.
Award Count by Type
A distinct count of P/T/As (Project/Task/Award) in the fiscal year.
Counts how many awards in the previous and current Fiscal Year fall into one of the following types: Grant, Contract, Internal, Internal Funding, Per Patient or Pharmaceutical.
Award Creation Date
The date on which the award was created
Award dates modified with no final report
Shows a count of distinct Awards where dates: 'CLOSE_DATE', 'END_DATE_ACTIVE', 'START_DATE_ACTIVE', 'PREAWARD_DATE' has been modified between Modified date From and Modified date, only for original transactions reference does not start with 'IXCI'.
Award Decline Indicator
This indicator specifies whether the award status indicates that the award has been declined.
Award Department
Department is a combination of Award Organization Code and award Organization name
Award Desription
Detail of the award.
Award EAS Org Financial Director Code (BMT)
Organization Attribute for Financial Director Code (BMT)
Award Encumbrance Amount
The total of Encumbrance Amount for the PTA
Award End Date
The last date that expenditures can be incurred on an award (the end of an award's period of performance)
Award Ending?
Indicates an award's end date is less than or equal to 90 days, or if the award already ended
Award Ending in 30 Days (Y/N)
Flag that indicates whether the award is ending in 30 days or less. "Y" indicates the award is ending in 30 days or less. "N" means the award ends in more than 30 days.
Award Ending in 60 Days (Y/N)
This is a flag that indicates that an award is ending in 60 days or less and is calculated as the difference between the current date and the Award End Date. If the Award End Date is within 60 calendar days of the current date, then this flag will be set to Yes; if the Award End Date is greater than 60 days from the current date, then this flag will be set to No.
If the current date is 01/01/2019 and the Award End Date is 03/02/2019, then this flag will be set to Yes.
If the current date is 01/01/2019 and the Award End Date is 03/03/2019, then this flag will be set to No.
Award Ending in 90 Days (Y/N)
This is a flag that indicates that an award is ending in 90 days or less and is calculated as the difference between the current date and the Award End Date. If the Award End Date is within 90 calendar days of the current date, then this flag will be set to Yes; if the Award End Date is greater than 90 days from the current date, then this flag will be set to No.
Award Funds Failed
The amount of expenditures that have failed funds check for the PTA
Award ID
Unique data warehouse identifier for an award. This ID is different from the award number that comes from EAS.
Award Identification
The first four letters of the award number used to tell EAS how to invoice and generate revenue
Award Long Name
Full title or name of the Award
Award Number
The number used by GW and EAS to uniquely identify an award (different from the sponsor award number). This number follows a "smart numbering" system (i.e. CCLS91234F is a cost based award for the medical center that is funded by a federal sponsor through letter of credit).
Award Offer Indicator
This indicator specifies whether the award status code indicates that the award has been offered.