Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 451 - 475 of 4049
Award Org Level 3
Every award is assigned an Organization code during award set-up. Each Organization has a parent. Award Org Level 3 shows the parent org at the second to last level of the hierarchy. This level frequently equates to the department level within schools.
Award Org Level 4
Every award has an Organization and every Organization has a parent. Award Org Level 4 shows the parent org at the last level of the hierarchy.
Award Original End Date
The Award End Date that was first entered for the award in EAS. If the Award End Date is subsequently changed, the Original End Date for an Award will continue to show the initially entered Award End Date.
For example, if an award is initially set up with Award End Date 01/15/2020 and the Award End Date is later updated to 05/12/2020, the Original End for an Award will be 01/15/2020.
Award Project ID
Award project identifier
Award Purpose Code
Award code which describes the purpose of an award. These purposes include Federal R&D (SP1), Federal Training (SP2), Clearing/Suspense (SP4), Program Income (SP5), Symposium/Conference/Seminar (SP7), and Other Non-Federal (SP3).
Award Purpose Code Desc
Describes the Award Purpose Code, and indicates what type of activity the award is funding. Every award has a corresponding purpose code.
Possible values are Research and Development (SP1), Training (SP2), Other (SP3), Clearing/Suspense Projects (SP4), Program Income (SP5) and SYMPOSIUM/CONFERENCE/SEMINAR (SP7)
Award Revenue
The total revenue amount accrued for the award
Award Role Code
The EAS designation code for the award role.
Award Role Desc
Description of Award Role (e.g., Award Manager, School Research Administrator, Award/Project Staff (Labor)).
Awards Ending in 90 days or Less
Indicates that an award is ending in 90 days or less (based on award end date)
Award Sequence
Sub-award sequence code used to identify unique award rules and student population.
Award Short Name
The name given by the GW PI to an award
Awards start after Dec 2014 with Guidance as A21
Shows the count of distinct Awards where award template flag is DEFERRED' and GMS TC Categories name is GUIDANCE and GMS Terms Conditions name is A21 only for active awards that started after 26-DEC-2014 and exclude award numbers that contains IXCI
Award Start Date
The date expenses, revenue, and invoice can begin to be incurred on an award
Award Status
Indicates what status the award is in - Active is the usual status (can incur expenses, revenue and invoice). At Risk allows expenses, but not revenue or invoice. On Hold allows revenue and invoice, but not expenses. Closed means no more activity
Award Status
This field describes the award status, such as Offered, Accepted, Paid.
Award Status Code
This code is used to describe the condition of the applicant's award.
Award Status Description
This field describes the award status code.
Award Stipend Charge
The amount of money charged on awards to students for the purpose of offsetting the cost of attending the university.
Award Suspense Amount
The total suspense amount for the PTA
Awards with 26% IDC and Task Loc FB, MV or VC
Shows a count of distinct Awards where Indirect Cost Schedule = '*26 Reimbursed Indirect Cost' and Task Loc is ('FB', 'MV', or 'VC')
Awards with interim reports but no future due date
Shows a count of distinct Awards where the maximun due date has not yet passed and award number has not been classified as A and B, and the report template name does not start with GCAS or contains the word Revised, Final and Specifc Billing.
Award Terms and Conditions Code
The name of the terms and conditions used by the award. Terms and
Conditions contain important items related to the grant, including cost
share terms, award guidance terms, Property and Equipment Terms, and etc
Award Terms and Conditions Description
The description of the terms and conditions used by the award.
Award Tracking Portal Funding Detail
Fact table that brings together details on funding per Award ID, per modification, per funding year.