Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Role ID
Name for the identified role that will execute tasks within a process
Role Trajectory
This field list the maturity of role within the organization. Emerging, Operational or Sunset. It helps with organizational planning and changes.
Describes the room. Such as Staff room, Double, etc.
Room Assignment Category
This field represents the category of room in which a class has been scheduled
Room Attribute Code
The code is used to identify the building room attribute.
Room Attribute Desc
The description of the buiding room's attribute code.
Room Attribute (Single record)
Describes the attributes of the room.
Room Code
A Room Code is a letter, number, or combination thereof that identifies a room of a building.
Room College Code
Shows the College Code of the room
Room College Desc
Shows the College Description of the room
Room Department Code
Displays Department Code of a room.
Room Department Desc
Displays Department description of a room.
Identifies the description associated with the room
Room Description
Description of the room
Room Maximum Capacity
Identifies the maximum capacity of the room.
Room Number
Number assigned to a room within a building. Its purpose is to identify a particular room, and help building inhabitants locate that room.
Identifies the room number associated with the room
Room Partition Code
code for campus zones for scheduling product
Room Partition Desc
the partition for campus zones for scheduling.
Room Polyline Square Feet
The square footage of a room
Room Space Type
Room Space Type describes if the room is usable, assignable or nonassignable
Room Status
Indicates if the room is Active, Inactive, Priority, Reserved or Dedicated.
Defines the status code associated with the room
Room Type
Code used to identify how a room is used.