Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3351 - 3375 of 4049
Room Type
Classification of a room by architectural design type and is assigned based on primary use. Each room can only be assigned one room type.
Room Type Description
Describes of what type of room
This field identifies if the packaging group code is locked preventing further updates.
The date the CSSPRO tracking requirement was satisfied
The date the FAFSA tracking requirement was satisfied
RSC Approval Required Flag
This is a flag indicating that transactions to the natural account code require review and approval by the OVPR Post-Award team.
RSVP include
Do we count no shows for this specific event.
RT Position
This is the position number which identifies the supervisor position ID for reporting by person occupying this position.
RT Position Title
RT Position Title represents the Position Title for the next highest position in the position hierarchy.
Rule Class
The Finance System Rule Class code to be applied to this interface transaction
Rule Class Code
Code associated with a Payroll Rule Classification
Rule Desc
A Degree Audit Rule can have up to 5 levels, however, only two are mostly used. Therefore it is common to see Rule Level 1 and Rule Level 2 in Reports and Dashboards.
Rule Root Description
This is a description for Degree Audit Rule.
Running Total
The cumulative total of the selected measure (i.e., Actual Amount, Encumbrance Amount, or Suspense Amount) shown over time.
Running Total Credit Hours
The total credit hours registered for across all colleges as of the calendar date on the x axis
Running Total of Applications
Cumulative Application/Applicant counts along the application date for the selected semester and the same semester last year
Salaries and Wages
Total of all Salary and Wage accounts as of the selected Accounting Period
Salary Category
Salary groupings based on Account Codes:
Reg FT & PT Faculty: 51111, 51117, 51121. Temp/Summer Faculty: 51122, 51123, 51126, 51131, 51136, 51141. Reg FT & PT Staff: 51211, 51213, 51214, 51221, 51222, 51228, 51241, 51251. Temp Wage / Hourly Staff: 51215, 51225, 51226, 51227, 51229. Residents :51212.
Fringe: 51891. Other: all other Compensation accounts not included above
Salary Covered
This condition is reflected as a 'Yes' (black) or 'No' (red). 'Yes' if the faculty member's research and teaching activity is greater than his/her Total Compensation. 'No' if the faculty member's research and teaching activity is less than his/her Total Compensation.
Salary Factor
Number of pays per calendar year for which the annual salary is earned. The pay factor must be the same as the number of pays unless deferred pay functionality is used.
Salary Grade
A salary grade is a collection of values for the minimum, midpoint, and maximum annual salary or regular rate of pay. Salary grades are grouped by salary table and salary group in Banner and can be applied at the position classification, position, and job. These represent the lowest, highest, and median values for pay based on pay grade. Employees are not hired under the minimum pay and cannot receive merit to base pay once above the maximum. The midpoint represents the most common pay for a given job based upon mid-career-level experience and qualifications. Salary grades at GW are derived from information based on national survey data and Bureau of Labor Statistics data among other sources and are attributed at the position classification level.
Salary Grade Maximum
The Salary Grade Maximum is a component of the Salary Grade structure. The maximum represents the highest regular rate or annual salary a person should be paid for a given position. Generally employees will not be hired at the grade maximum, even with extensive experience. If employees have reached or exceeded the grade maximum in the course of their career, merit is generally awarded as a bonus rather than continuing to increase the base pay for the job.
Salary Grade Midpoint
The Salary Grade Midpoint is a component of the Salary Grade structure. The midpoint represents the typical pay for an employee of average experience and qualifications for a given job.
Salary Grade Minimum
Salary Grade Minimum is a component of the salary grade structure. It is the minimum salry amount for a particular position.
Salary Group
Salary Group is the description for the parent value that houses the associated Salary Tables and Salary Grades. This description denotes the population of jobs it should be used for: Faculty, Facilities, Campus Police, Staff, etc).