Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3276 - 3300 of 4049
Residual Funds
The funds remaining after all expenses on a fixed price award. Total Cost associated with account 58952
Flag to indicate a restriction on gift. For purposes of HEA reporting, "the term 'restricted or conditional gift or contract' means any endowment, gift, grant, contract, award, present, or property of any kind which includes provisions regarding (A) the employment, assignment, or termination of faculty; (B) the establishment of departments, centers, research or lecture programs, or new faculty positions; (C) the selection or admission of students; or (D) the award of grants, loans, scholarships, fellowships, or other forms of financial aid restricted to students or a specified country, religion, sex, ethnic origin, or political opinion." (Source: Sec. 117 Disclosures of Foreign Gifts of Higher Education Act)
Description of the Restriction such as 44 = PhD for a Degree Restriction type.
Restriction Code
Code used to identify restrictions on courses.
Restriction Desc
Description of the restriction that is placed on the course section.
Restriction Descr
Explanation for HEA Restriction if applicable
Restriction Indicator
Indicates whether to include or exclude.
Restriction (Single record)
Displays exclussions for a course.
Restriction Text
Lists all the restrictions for a CRN
Restriction Type
Identifies the type of Restriction for a course section.
Resv Enrollment
Section Enrollment for reserved key.
Resv Max Enrollment
Section Maxmum Enrollment for section reserved key.
Resv Seat Available
Section Reserved Available Seats.
Resv Wait Available
This field displays a running total of remaining available waitlist seats for a reserved key by subtracting the waitlist actual enrollment from the maximum waitlist enrollment for the reserved key
Resv Wait Capacity
This field is used to set the maximum waitlist enrollment, for the reserved key, for a section
Resv Wait Count
This field displays a running total of enrollments in the section, for the reserved key, which have course status with a waitlist flag set to Y on the Registration Status Code
Retention % of Original Cohort (semester 2)
Gives the percentage of students in a cohort who returned for semester 2
Retention % of Original Cohort (semester 3)
Gives the percentage of students in a cohort who returned for semester 3
Retention % of Original Cohort (semester 4)
Gives the percentage of students in a cohort who returned for semester 4
Retention Rate
The percentage of first-time full-time freshmen who enroll either full-time or part-time the following year.
Retention Rate
The percentage of donors from the previous fiscal year that have donated again during the year in context.
Retirement Participation Date
This date is used to indicate when an employee will meet/met the qualifying service requirements for GW 401(a) Retirement Plan contributions.
% Returned Semester 2
Percentage of students with an enrollment record in the second semester.
% Returned Semester 3
Percentage of students with an enrollment record in the third semester
% Returned Semester 4
Percentage of students with an enrollment record in the fourth semester