Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3226 - 3250 of 4049
Registration Add Date
The calendar date which corresponds to the total credit hours registered
Registration Hold Ind
This field indicates whether the hold type prevents registration.
Registration Match Type
Same College: Course Registration College = Student Enrollment College; Other College: Course Registration College Student Enrollment College
Registration Message
Additional Information related to the Manual Registration
Registration Status
The Registration Status related to the Manual Registration
Registration Status Date
The Date of the Registration Status related to the Manual Registration
Registration Term
Shows the Code and Description for the Registration Term.
Registration Type Code
Student Registration Type Code includes FT, PT, LOA, ZERO, etc
Registration Type (IR)
Specifies the type of Registration in english terms i.e. FT = Full Time.
Registration Update
The date when the class was added or dropped.
Reg Rate Calculated
Reg Rate Calculated is a calculation derived from the new FLSA Threshold amount that will determine if the threshold is met
Regular Employee
The term "regular" refers to both Regular Full-Time and Regular Part-Time employees. These categories are often combined and reported together in certain dashboards to indicate their inclusion under a single designation.
Regular Full-Time Faculty
Regular Faculty are full-time faculty members with the title of university professor,
professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and instructor who are tenured
or tenure-track, and non-tenure-track full-time faculty members who are on a
renewable contract, do not hold either a regular or tenured appointment at another
university, have a nine or twelve month appointment and who have contractual
responsibilities for all of the following: research, teaching, and service.
Regular Rate
Regular rate is the hourly rate an employee is paid for all the hours worked during the workweek.
N if the student has a decision code corresponding to not being admitted (for example, 50 Denied Admission)
Release Indicator
This field indicates that only the system user who entered the hold may release the hold. Valid value is: Y - allow only system user to release hold.
Religious affiliation recorded for the person.
Religion Code
Self reported code used to describe a person's religion.
Remaining Amount
Remaining amount that needs to be paid
Remaining Balance will approximately last until
Based on the Estimated # of Months Until Balance Runs Out, this is the estimated date until which the remaining balance on the award will last.
Remedy Entry ID
System generated incident, change, problems and workorder numbers.
Report Date
The Date of the Report.
Report ID
Unique system-assigned code that identifies the expense report
Reporting Group
The level of college that a student is currently a member of.