Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3151 - 3175 of 4051
Proposal Status
Reflects if a gift officer is actively working on a proposal; (Open), completed (Closed), or cancelled prior to the ask (Withdrawn).
Proposal Status Description
The description of proposal status order
Proposal Status Order
A three letter status
Proposal Stop Date
The date the proposal is Closed or Withdrawn to provide understanding of the amount of time spent on solicitations
Proposal Submission Date
The date of when proposal was submitted
Proposal Submission Fiscal Month Num
Proposal Title
An explanation of what the gift will support.
Proposal Total Cost
The total cost for a project
Proposal Type
The type of fund where the gift will be directed within the school or unit, such as scholarship, bricks & mortar, Dean's fund, or faculty support.
Proposal Type
Set list of options of where the money will be allocated
Proposal Unit
Identifies the school or unit that will recieve the commitment if the proposal is funded by the donor.
Proposal Unit
The unit that the proposal will benefit, which will enable each school/unit to develop a pipeline of anticipated solicitations regardless of which team created the proposal
Prospect Address
The preferred address listed on the entity's record. If there are more than two entities sharing a single prospect record, this address will reflect the primary entity's address.
Prospect ID
The unique identifier for a prospect record.
Prospective Student
A person who will potentially attend the University, but who has not yet applied or been accepted to the University.
Prospect Lifetime Giving
Cumulative amount that the prospect has given to GW
Prospect Manager
On the Prospect Assignment Record, this is the individual who is most responsible for the overall management of a prospect, which includes strategy development, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship. This is reserved for DAR staff only.
Prospect Name
The name of the prospect as it appears on the Advance Prospect record. A prospect represents one or more entities with the capacity and affinity to donate at least $50,000 to the university.
Prospect Stage
Stages are used to track the prospect’s “moves” from one cultivation stage to the next, illustrating where the donor is within the donor lifecycle at any given time. Stages reflect proximity to solicitation, not a prospect’s inclination.
PR Year
PR Year is the year of the payroll to which an earning applies.
PT Observation Hours
Total number of observation hours a physical therapy student completed at the time of application
Public Assistance
Indicates if a student responded "Yes" to the following application prompt: I am from a family that receives public assistance (e.g. Aid to Families with Dependent Children, food stamps, Medicaid, public housing) or I receive public assistance
Public Health Core/Prereq
Indicates whether or not a course is a core or prerequisite for the undergraduate Public Health program
Public Sector Ind (Y/N)
An indicator that displays either Y,N for the public sector
These codes were originally defined by the Council for Financial Aid to Education (CFAE) to standardize gift recording and create the benchmarking report called the Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) survey. The survey is now managed by CASE (The Council for Advancement and Support of Education). The codes are recorded on each allocation. The purposes include current use, endowment and property, buildings & equipment.