Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3126 - 3150 of 4051
Proposal Direct Cost
Proposal actual expenditure amount except Indirect amount
Proposal End Date
The projected end date of a proposal
Proposal End Fiscal Month Num
Fiscal Month Num associated with projected end date of a proposal
Proposal End Fiscal Quarter
Fiscal quarter associated with projected end date of a proposal
Proposal End Month Num
End Month number associated with projected end date of a proposal
Proposal End Quarter
End quarter number associated with projected end date of a proposal
Proposal End Year
End quarter number associated with projected end date of a proposal
Proposal Expected Accept Quarter
The most likely quarter in which GW will receive the funds from the donor, assuming a positive response
Proposal Expected Amount
The anticipated donation amount the gift officer expects the donor to provide upon gift closure.
Proposal Expected Amount Range
Categorized ranges for the expected closing amount of a gift.
Proposal Expected Quarter
The fiscal year quarter in which the gift is anticipated to close.
Proposal ID
An auto-populated unique ID given to each proposal in the system
Proposal ID
The unique ID for a proposal.
Proposal Indirect Cost
Represent those expenses that cannot be readily allocated to a single sponsored project or training program but which represent the University's costs for carrying out research and training activities. (Also called F&A costs)
Proposal Long Title
Full name of proposal
Proposal Number
A unique number associated with a proposal
Proposal Planned Giving Indicator
Indicates if the commitment in a proposal is expected to include a planned gift.
Proposal Probability
Likelihood that the prospect will donate the Expected Amount, from 0% to 100%.
Proposal Probability
The likelihood, in percentage, of this commitment closing at the expected amount as noted on a proposal.
Proposal Projected Amount
A forecast of the fiscal year's attainment, based on proposals in the pipeline. Calculated considering the Stage and Probability of the proposal.
Proposal Result
The amount the prospect agrees to give in response to the solicitation.
Proposal Short Title
A short name of proposal
Proposal Stage
The current stage of communication with the prospect about a specific proposal – Clearance (planned but not yet asked), Ask Made, Ask Accepted, or Ask Declined.
Proposal Stage
Marks the important points with the prospect that occur during solicitation: Clearance, Ask Made, Ask Accepted, Ask Declined
Proposal Start Date
The date the proposal is first entered to provide
understanding of the amount of time spent on solicitations