Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3126 - 3150 of 4076
Project Name
Displays the title of the project.
Project Number
The number used by GW and EAS to identify a project
Project Org Code
Identifies Org Code assosicated with a project
Project Org Desc
Identifies Org description assosicated with a project
Project Org ID
The Organization ID of the Project.
Project Request ID
The request ID of the project
Project Start Date
Identifies start date assosicated with a project
Project Status
The status project of example Active, Close and Submitted
Project Target Finish Date
Identifies targeted finish date of a project
Project Target Start Date
The targeted project start date
Project Task Award
Combination of the project, task, and award numbers, also called the PTA. The PTA provides the full hierarchy to the parent project and unique identifier for the award.
Project with Active Awards End/Close Dates not same
This shows a count of distinct Awards where the End Close Date does not coincide Institution End Close Date.
Proposal Amount
The amount of the proposal, based on its current stage:
1. If 'Clearance' then 'Expected Ask Amount'
2. If 'Ask Made', 'Proposal Cancelled', or 'Proposal Declined' then 'Ask Amount'
3. If 'Ask Accepted' then 'Funded Amount'
Proposal Anticipated Ask Amount
The amount the gift officer plans to request from the prospect.
Proposal Anticipated Ask Date
The date the gift officer plans to ask the prospect for a donation.
Proposal Ask Amount
The specific donation amount requested from the potential donor.
Proposal Ask Date
The date on which the donation request was made.
Proposal Begin Fiscal Month Num
Month number of fiscal year of when the proposal begins
Proposal Begin Fiscal Quarter
Quarter of fiscal year of when the proposal begins
Proposal Begin Fiscal Year
Fiscal year in which proposal begins.
Proposal Begin Year
Begin year of proposal
Proposal Direct Cost
Proposal actual expenditure amount except Indirect amount
Proposal End Date
The projected end date of a proposal
Proposal End Fiscal Month Num
Fiscal Month Num associated with projected end date of a proposal