Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3201 - 3225 of 4051
Receivable Account Number
Receivable Account Number
Received Time
The date and time the case was reported
Record Count
Count of records
Record Type
The donor's relationship to GW. This value represents the relationship as it currently exists.
Recruiting or Learning
If the event has employers involved and is focused on recruiting or if the event is focused on student learning experience.
Recruiting Seq Number
The sequence number assigned to an inquiry record. The first inquiry by a prospective student for a given program is assigned the number "1". The next inquiry by the same prospective student is assigned number "2", but only if the inquiry is for the same exact program.
Recruiting Status Activity Date
The date that the status was created
Recruiting Status Code
2 Character code for recruiting status
Recruiting Status Description
Description of the Recruiting Status
Recruiting Status System Req Indicator
Displays a Y if it is required
Reduced Price Lunch
Indicates if a student responded "Yes" to the following application prompt: I graduated from a high school at which many of the enrolled students are eligible for free or reduced price lunches
Reg Hours
Reg Hours is the hours worked by an employee subject to Fair Labor Standards Act(FLSA) up to 40 hours per week.
Describes the region code
Requisition: States from what region of the world is purchased made.
Region Code
Address region code
# Regist Class
Total classess that an applicant registered in the Fall term
# Regist Credit Hours
Total credit hours that an applicant registered in the Fall term
Registered Bill Hours
Number of registered bill hours.
Registered Credit Hours Day 1
Number of credit hours registered on the day 1 of class
% Registered/Enrolled
Percent of students who Registered/Enrolled out of total students who were enrolled
Registered for Courses/Enrolled
Registered is one of the application status.
Registered for Courses / Enrolled
The number of students who have enrolled in classes for the term in the term/s displayed on the dashboard (Summer+Fall or Spring)
Registered in 2015 Summer
Indicator to identify if the student is registered in 2015 Summer
Registered Ind
The short definition is the field contains a Y if the student is registered. The long definition is:(1) There must be at least one record (for this student at this given term) in the Student Course Registration table. AND(2) Among this student"s course registration records, there must be at least one record, whose RSTS code is associated with a Y stvrsts_incl_sect_enrl field (This field indicates whether student with associated course registration status is counted in enrollment.) in the Course Registration Validation Status Table.In other words, an RSTS = RE or RW or CW or RS or RR must exist