Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3251 - 3275 of 4049
Report Name
Financial Report Name
Req Desc
Description for a Degree Audit requirement.
Req Type Code
This is a classification of Degree Audit Requirement.
Requested Fin Aid (Y/N)
It indicates if a student requests financial aid when he/she applies to GW
Request Financial Aid Ind (Y/N)
This field indicates a student requests financial aid during application
Request Id
The numeric representation stored in the ARS system indicating the ticket number generated by system
The person that prepared the requisition.
Requisition Approve Date
The approval date of a requisition.
Requisition Approver
Lists who approved the requestion.
Requisition Create Date
The date that a requisition is created.
Requisition Line Number
Shows the line number of the requistion.
Requisition Line Value
The requistion line dollar amount uses the Quanity multiplied by the unit price.
Requisition Number
This displays the number of the requisition.
Requisition Submitted by
Submitted of the most recent requisition for this supplier.
Requisition Submitted by Email
The email of the requisitioner.
Research Employee
An occupational category used to classify persons whose specific assignments customarily are made for the purpose of conducting research. Regardless of title, academic rank, or tenure status, these employees formally spend the majority of their time conducting research.
Research Expenditures as of the previous month and same month in the previous Fiscal Year
Includes all research expenditures (including Indirect Cost) as of the
previous month of the current fiscal year and the same month of the
previous Fiscal Year.
Research Service Coordinator
Employee in OVPR who is assigned on the award with a role of Research Service Coordinator.
Research Service Coordinator Email
GW Email address for the employee who is assigned on the award with a role of Research Service Coordinator
Research Type - Detailed
Category for type of research based on the award organization. Gives additional details on the health-related category from the simplified research types. Additional health-related values are: nursing, engineering, biostatistics, public health, medicine and health sciences, other
Research Type - Simplified
Category for type of research based on the award organization. Possible values are: Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Science, Health-Related, Non-traditional Health-Related, Social Science, Other
Residency Code
1 Character code for Residency
Residency Description
Describes a persons Residency
Residency Exemption Approval
This field indicates a student has been approved for housing exemption.
Residency In-State Indicator
1 Character code if a person has in state Residency