Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3051 - 3075 of 4051
Prior Degree Attended To Date
The last date of attendance at the prior college
Prior Degree/Graduate Date
If Prior School is College, then it refers to prior college degree date; else if Prior School is High School, then it refers to high school graduation date
Prior Degree Seq No
Prior degree Sequence Number
Prior Enrollment
If student was previously enrolled in the course.
Prior FY Budget
Total Budget for the previous fiscal year
Prior FY Budget Variance
Difference between Year-to-Date Actual and the Total Budget for the previous fiscal year
Defines the priority of the room, it is used by the scheduler to det ermine which rooms are used first
Prior Total Actual
Total activity from the previous year
Prior Total Actual Variance
Difference between Year-to-Date Actual and Total activity from the previous fiscal year
Prior Year
Prior calendar year to the current calendar year being represented
Prior Year Donors
The quantity of donors from the previous fiscal year.
Prior Year Period Actual
The total activity for the same accounting period in the previous Fiscal Year
Prior YTD Actual
Total Year-to-Date activity from the previous year
Prior YTD Variance
Difference between Year-to-Date Actual and Year-to-Date Actual from the previous fiscal year
PR Key
PR Key is the Unique identifier key in the data warehouse
Process Hyperlink
Hyperlink to the actual process diagram
Process ID
The unique identifier (Identification number) for a particular process used within a capability.
Process Logic
Indicates the type of NBM treatment applied to the transaction for purposes of the interface and allocation of tuition revenue from Banner to EAS. Possible values are:
DAY1 - first day of academic term
DAY1_LAW - first day of Law School term
DAY1_MED - first day of MD term (may be Y1, Y2, Y3, or Y4 for different cohorts)
DAY2 - transactions for current academic term (any school) that are after the first day of the term
FUTURE_TERM - transaction for a future academic term
PRIOR_TERM - transaction for a prior academic term
Process Name
Name of the process used with a capability.
Process Owner
Team accountable and responsible for the design, execution and or management of the process under discussion
Process Status
Status of the process in the realm of development and use within the organization
The specific product that the incident is about.
Product Category Tier1
The 1st tier is used to categorize the product or configuration item (CI) that
is being effected by the change.
Product Category Tier2
The 2nd tier is used to categorize the product or configuration item (CI) that is being effected by the change. This is dependent on the Product Tier 1 value
Product Category Tier3
The 3rd tier is used to categorize the product or configuration item (CI) that is being effected by the change. This is dependent on the Product Tier 1 and 2 values