Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 2976 - 3000 of 4051
Preference No
Shows the preference number for the room attributes for the course.
Preferred City
Entities' preferred address city. This field represents US cities only. On Tableau dashboard maps, a city will only be shown if its respective population is at least 15,000.
Preferred Country Code
Entity's preferred address country. This data element represents the two-character code value.
Preferred Country Description
Entity's preferred address country. This data element represents the description value.
Preferred E-Mail Address
Individual specified as their preferred communication email address.
Preferred Foreign City/Zip
Concatenated field of entity's preferred address city and zip code. This field represents non-US addresses only.
Preferred State Code
Entity's preferred address state abbreviation. This field represents US states only.
Preferred State Description
Entity's preferred address state description. This field represents US states only.
Preferred Street Line 1
Entity's preferred address street - line one.
Preferred Street Line 2
Entity's preferred address street - line two.
Preferred Street Line 3
Entity's preferred address street - line three.
Preferred Zip Code
Entity's preferred address zip code. This field represents US zip codes only.
Prereq Catalog Effective Term
Shows the prerequisite catalog effective term
Prereq Course Title
Shows the prerequisite course title
Prereq Full Text
Describes Prerequisites for a course section.
Prereq Subject & Course
Shows the prerequisites subject and course
Prereq Taken/Not Taken
This field identifies if a prerequsite course was taken or not taken.
Prerequisite Course Number
Shows the course number associated to the corresponding prerequisites
Prerequisite Subject Code
Shows the prerequisites subject code
Prerequisite Test Score
The minimum score of the test code requirement associated with the section to be registered
Prerequisite Type
A test score or a course pre-requisite requirement associated with the section to be registered.
Prev Annual Salary
Prev Annual Salary represents the amount of pay an employee would receive over the course of a calendar year based upon their regular rate, hours per pay, and number of pays per calendar year. For employees covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), this is considered an annualized amount based on projected hours worked. For FLSA-exempt employees, this is the amount of pay they will receive over the course of a year prior to the merit increase
Previous AY
The total student credits from courses taught from the beginning of the previous fiscal year to the current date (minus one year) for the different budget campus groups.
Previous College Code
Student's previous college code
Previous Degree Code
Student's previous degree code