Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3001 - 3025 of 4051
Previous FY
Tuition revenue allocated to the beneficiary department in the prior fiscal year (refer to Allocation Amount)
Previously but not currently registered for courses
Students with an active status (AS) in SGBSTDN and a record in SFEBTRM (e.g., students who have dropped course)
Previously Registered Student
Students registered in any of the past 2 terms
Previously Registered Student
Students registered in any of the past 2 terms
Previous Term Academic Standing
Indicates whether a student has achieved the minimum academic standards for his or her academic program in the academic term enrolled prior to the current academic term. Students who are not in academic good standing are on academic probation.
Prev Reg Rate
Prev Reg Rateis the hourly rate an employee is paid for all the hours worked during the workweek prior to the merit increase
Primary 1st Major
Displays the combined Primary1st Major code with description
Primary 1st Major Concentration 1
Lists the first concentration of the primary major.
Primary 1st Major Concentration 2
Lists the second concentration of the primary major.
Primary 1st Major Concentration 3
Lists the third concentration of the primary major.
Primary 2nd Major
Displays the combined Primary 2nd Major code with description
Primary Account Number (PAN)
Unique payment card number (typically for credit or debit cards) that identifies the issuer and the particular cardholder account.
Primary College
Combination of the College Group and College Group Code.
Primary Degree
Student's first degree associated with their priority 1 curriculum in Banner.
Primary Instructor E-Mail Address
The email address of the Instructor for the course.
Primary Instructor First Name
First name of the Primary Instructor of the course.
Primary Instructor GWID
The GWID of the Primary Instructor.
Primary Instructor Ind
Indicator for primary instructor
Primary Instructor Last Name
Last name of the Primary Instructor of the course.
Primary Instructor Name
Primary Instructor's Name (Last Name, First Name)
Primary Recruit Source Indicator (Y/Missing)
Indicates whether the recruiting source specified was the primary means by which GWU contacted the perspective student
Prime Award Number
Award number designated by the Prime Sponsor (if one exists) for the award. This award number is the externally assigned number for the award, not the award number assigned by GW, and would be used as the award reference on sponsor documentation.
Prime Award Number
The award number that the Prime sponsoring Agency uses to track the award. This award number is externally generated and differs from the GW-assigned award number.
Prime Funding Source
This is the fund source for Prime sponsors on the award.
Prime Sponsor
Name of the prime sponsor if GW is the sub-recipient of the award.