Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3026 - 3050 of 4051
Prime Sponsor
Name of the Prime Sponsor of the award. When a Prime Sponsor exists, this organization is the Sponsor's sponsor and ultimate originator of the award.
Prime Sponsor Account Number
EAS account number for the prime sponsor if GW is the sub-recipient of the award.
Prime Sponsor Active Ind (Y/N)
Prime Sponsor Active Indicator
Prime Sponsor Billing Certification 1
Prime Sponsor Billing Certification 1
Prime Sponsor Billing Certification 2
Prime Sponsor Billing Certification 2
Prime Sponsor Billing Certification 3
Prime Sponsor Billing Certification 3
Prime Sponsor Class Code
Federal or Non-Federal classification of the prime sponsor if GW is the sub-recipient of the award.
Prime Sponsor External Ind (Y/N)
Prime Sponsor External Indicator
Prime Sponsor Funding Source Segment
Funding Source Segment from the Chart of Account for the Prime Sponsor if GW is the sub-recipient of the award. The funding source segment is a smart number that consists of 2-3 letters followed 4-5 numbers. The letters designate the type of sponsor (federal government, foundation, state/local government, international foundation, etc). The numbers group related federal agencies together.
Prime Sponsor ID
The ID that the Award Tracking Portal uses to identify the Prime Sponsor
Prime Sponsor ID
Prime Sponsor ID
Prime Sponsor Letter of Credit Ind (Y/N)
Y/N indicator for whether the prime sponsor is a letter of credit sponsor when GW is the sub-recipient of the award.
Prime Sponsor LOC Number
The letter of credit number for the prime sponsor when GW is the sub-recipient of the award.
Prime Sponsor Name
Name of the prime sponsor if GW is the sub-recipient of the award.
Prime Sponsor Receivable Account Number
Prime Sponsor Receivable Account Number
Prime Sponsor Registry ID
EAS registry ID for the organization
Prime Sponsor Revenue Account Number
Prime Sponsor Revenue Account Number
Prime Sponsor Type
Sponsor type from EAS for the prime sponsor when GW is the sub-recipient of the award.
Prime (Y/N)
This field indicates whether the award is a prime award or a subcontract. The possible values are: Yes Prime and No Subcontract. Prime Award means the sponsor is awarding funds directly to GWU. Subcontract means the sponsor is the original recipient of funds and has then further awarded funds to GWU.
Principal Investigator (PI)
The person responsible for the overall management of the scientific, technical, financial, compliance and administrative aspects of the award. This person is designated as the Award Manager on the award in EAS.
Prinicipal Prospect
.Prospects with the means and affinity to donate at least $1,000,000 to GW.
Print Indicator (Y/Missing)
This field is used to specify whether the section should be printed in the Schedule Report - SSRSECT
Prior College/High School
Student's previous college, or high school
Prior Degree
Student's previous degree
Prior Degree Attended From Date
The first date of attendance at the prior college