Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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Salary Group Code
Salary Group Code is typically a year, and refers to the parent value that houses the associated Salary Tables and Salary Grades. The most recent year is typically the most current Salary Groups in use.
Salary Range Low
Salary Grade Minimum is a component of the salary grade structure. It is the minimum salry amount for a particular position.
Salary/Rate is a calculation that is based on the Exempt Indicator and will show Annual Salary or Regular Rate.
Salary Table
Salary Table references which salary structure is being used, which is assigned at the position class level, but also displays on the position and job records. Salary Tables are either hourly or salary-based, and can vary based on type of work (Facilities, Campus Police, Research, IT, General).
Salary Type
Salary type denotes the method at which an employee compensation is determined - either on an hourly basis with an Houly rate or on an annual basis via an Annual Salary.
SARSAPP Req Fin Aid Count
SARSAPP Req. Fin Aid Flag is the count of the Student Application Financial Aid Packaging if exist.
SAT Score Resented/Revised
Indicator used exclusivelly for SAT Scores that mark as a "R" for SAT(R) is a standardized test for persons desiring to enter universities in the U.S. It consists of a Reasoning Test including Reading (formerly Critical Reading) and Writing and Language (formerly Writing), Mathematics and optional Essa. Other value is "O" for other
Saturday Meeting Indicator
Displays a S if the couse meets on Saturday.
Scheduled Return Date
Shows the scheduled date the participant is to return to work from Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Scheduled Start Date
The date the first activities and/or tasks associated with a change ticket are scheduled to start.
Schedule Type
Shows what type of course e.g. Lecture, Seminar, Self-Paced Course, etc.
Schedule Type Code
Identifies what type of course i.e. L= Lab, etc.
Schedule Type Desc
Shows what type of course and its corresponding code e.g. Lecture, Seminar, Self-Paced Course, etc.
Scholarship Initiative Interest Strength
Indicator on the prospect record which rates the prospect's affinity for scholarship initiatives.
Scholarship Proposal Manager
DAR Staff responsible for managing the proposal.
Scholarship Prospects
Defined as all rated Entities that do not have a Prospect Record AND have an Interest Code = Scholarship with Strength of Unknown or Mild or Medium | All unassigned prospects and prospects assigned to any pool (Reunion, Council, Prospect, Perm Stew, etc. - except Incoming GO Pools) AND are not also in Stages of Not a Prospect Now, Not a Prospect Ever, or Permanently Steward AND have an Interest Code = Scholarship with Strength of Unknown or Mild or Medium | Prospects that are actively assigned to a current DAR staff or Incoming GO Pool as Prospect Manager AND are in Stage of Qualify AND have an Interest Code = Scholarship with Strength of Unknown or Mild or Medium | Former Parents, Former Grandparents, Former Students who either donated to scholarship within past 5 years, OR who are assigned to a current DAR staff member or any prospect pool AND have an Interest Code = Scholarship with Strength of Unknown or Mild or Medium
Scholarship Suspects
Suspects are defined as the following: All rated Entities that do not have a Prospect Record AND have an Interest Code = Scholarship with Strength of Unknown or Mild or Medium | All unassigned prospects and prospects assigned to any pool (Reunion, Council, Prospect, Perm Stew, etc. - except Incoming GO Pools) AND are not also in Stages of Not a Prospect Now, Not a Prospect Ever, or Permanently Steward AND have an Interest Code = Scholarship with Strength of Unknown or Mild or Medium | Prospects that are actively assigned to a current DAR staff or Incoming GO Pool as Prospect Manager AND are in Stage of Qualify AND have an Interest Code = Scholarship with Strength of Unknown or Mild or Medium | Former Parents, Former Grandparents, Former Students who either donated to scholarship within past 5 years, OR who are assigned to a current DAR staff member or any prospect pool AND have an Interest Code = Scholarship with Strength of Unknown or Mild or Medium.
The school selected by the respondent when s/he completed the GSGS
The college which the students enrolled in their first fall term
School Credit
The academic or functional unit that receives the funds of the donation. Some academic departments (Libraries and Academic Innovation, and Mount Vernon Campus) are not listed separately but are grouped within the GWGU designation (GW General University)
School Credit
Financial Director Group - Identifies the school or division the award is associated with
School (OVPR)
A department or faculty of a college concerned with a particular subject of study specific for OVPR.
School Unit
Identifies the recipient school or unit if the proposal is funded by the donor. In certain cases, schools are grouped together, such as General GW with Mount Vernon College, and GW Libraries and Academic Innovation.
School / Unit
The unit that the proposal will benefit, which enables each school/unit to develop a pipeline of aniticpated solicitations regardless of which team created the proposal