Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3426 - 3450 of 4049
A means of delivering value to customers by facilitating outcomes customers want to achieve without the ownership of specific costs and risks. The Business value of an IT Service is created by the combination of Service Utility (what the Service does) and Service Warranty (how well it does it). Services are either Technical Service or Business Service that can have one or more multiple Service Level Packages.
Service Analyzed
This field determines whether or not the service has been analyzed for cloud migration. Some of the services skip the analysis phase and move to cloud with architecture review. This field will track that occurrence.
Service CI
This field is the name of the service configuration item (CI) as it exists in the Remedy Configuration Management Database (CMDB).
Service Code
Three-digit or four-digit value in the magnetic-stripe that follows the expiration date of the payment card on the track data. It is used for various things such as defining service attributes, differentiating between international and national interchange, or identifying usage restrictions.
Service Lifecycle Phase
This field identifies where the service resides in the Service Lifecycle - is it an Initiative? A Project Request? A Project or a deployed service?
Service Model Canvas Created
Was the Service Model Canvas created for this service? It is important to track this data.
Service Model Canvas Link
If the previous field is "Y", then this field holds the hyperlink to the created Service Model Canvas
Service Offering
The Primary Service Offering that is affected by implementing the roadmap initiative.
Service Type Code
The type of task service for example Internal project or research.
Service Years
The number of years of continus employment in GW.
Session Code
Code associated with a teaching session
Session Desc
Description of the Teaching Session.
Identifies the gender associated with the building
Identifies the gender associated with the room
SF272 Document Number
A unqiue id number assocaited with SF272 form.
SFIA Level
This field describes the generic attributes that characterise SFIA’s seven levels of responsibility and accountability. The SFIA seven Levels of Responsibility not only enable recognition of career progression but also provides a means by which other frameworks and corporate structures may map to the SFIA Framework. The nature of the generic attributes makes them suitable for use as the basis of core competencies, mappings and stages within a career path.
SFIA Skill Title
SFIA stands for Skills Framework for the Informatio Age v7. This field lists the skill title of the relative role. This allows for tracking the role across multiple technology industries.
The hour of the date this student was first added to this section
The hours of the date the course registration status was entered or last updated
Shift is one of two or more recurring periods in which different groups of workers do the same jobs in relay
Ship to Address ID
Shipping address identifier for customer
Short Term
A code created to easily recognize two characteristics of the Tuition benefit at once: the term and the beneficiary of the tuition.
Short Term Disablity Deduction Amount
GW Paid short term disability deduction amount.
Shp Deny Flag
Indicates whether a user account has been denied access to DegreeMAP
Shp Name
User name as it appears in DegreeMAP. Comprised of last name, chosen name, and middle initial that have been extracted from Banner.