Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3526 - 3550 of 4049
Spring Term Original Offer Amount
Total original offer amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's spring term.
Spring Term Paid Amount
Total paid amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's spring term.
The student’s (or employee’s) social security number (SSN). A number in the format 000-00-0000, unique for each individual, used to track Social Security benefits and for other identification purposes.
Schedule Status Code for use with Scheduling Tool Interface .
A person with a non-terminated employee record and a non-terminated job. The sub-affiliations in IDM will begin with S1 or S4.
A person with a non=terminated employee record and a non-terminated job. The sub-affiliations in IDM will begin with S1 or S4.
Staff Employee
Staff are regular or temporary non-teaching employees whose primary role typically involves administration or other non-research duties for the university.
Staff Member Email
The email used for the staff member.
Staff Member First Name
Staff who is in charge of the engagement
Staff Member Name
First and last name of the staff who is in charge of the event.
Staff/Prospect Pools
Indicator differentiating between actual staff and virtual placeholder pools.
Staff Type
Employee's role respective to DAR; impacts the permissions and view the employee has within Advance
Stage Description
Describes the process stage of a ticket, which can be (Initiate, Review & Authorize, Plan & Schedule, Implement, Close, Planning, Build, Test, Deployment, Close Down)
Stage Id
The numeric representation stored in the ARS system indicating the process stage of a ticket, which can be (Initiate, Review & Authorize, Plan & Schedule, Implement, Close, Planning, Build, Test, Deployment, Close Down)
Standard Admission Test Ind (Y/N)
Y/N depending on whether test is identified as a standard admissions test.
Standard Occupational Classification
The Standard Occupational Category Code page contains occupational categories and descriptions represented by the Standard Occupational Categories (SOC), and the category for reporting on the IPEDS Winter Data Collection.The Standard Occupational Category codes are delivered with the categories required for IPEDS Winter Data Collection reporting, as defined and required by the U.S. Federal Government.
Start Date
Date of the engagement(Event, Coaching, Career Fair, Student Engagement) happened
Start Date
The first date of the course.
Start Date
Standardized month and day for each of the three apply terms. Year reflects year of admission.
Start Date
Anticipated Start Date of the roadmap initiative. It is given as Year and Quarter (Fiscal Year)
Start Date Active
This is the Supplier start date.
Start Date on/Before 12/31 and eligible for Merit
Start Date on/Before 12/31 and eligible for Merit is an idicator for an employee whose job begin date is on or before 12/31 of the current merit period
State / Province Code
Identifies the state or province code of the building's address.