Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3601 - 3625 of 4049
Student Degree
The Degree for the student's Primary Curriculum
Student Degree Code
Primary degree code relative to registration/charge term; this would be the maximum SORLCUR record which is less than or equal to the registration term.
Student Diploma Name
Full Name to be listed on the Diploma
Student Employee
A Student Employee is a GW student holding an hourly paid FWS or non-FWS position
Student engagement attended
The number of times a student came to Career Center Services for other career related matters such as such dropping I9 form
Student Fee Rate Code
Student fee assessment rate code
Student Fee Rate Desc
Student fee assessment grouping associated with the Student fee assessment rate code
Student Full Name
Contains the full name of a student, consisting of first name, middle name (if any), last name.
Student Gender
The stated sex of students.
Student ID
Student ID from SPRIDEN. The primary mechanism for identification in the student system.
Student Ind
Indicates if the Gworld card holder is a student or not
Student Indicator
Identifies whether the donor was enrolled at GW as an undergraduate student or graduate student at the time of the transaction.
Student Institution Labels Name List
The labels career offices assigned to each of the student. One student may have multiple labels.
Student Level
The Level of academic study (eg. Undergraduate, Graduate, Medicine) for the student's Primary Curriculum
Student Location
Student classification of "International" or "Domestic" a calculation is made based on the flag "International Student"
Student Major Code
Primary major code relative to registration/charge term; this would be the maximum SORLFOS record which is less than or equal to the registration term.
Student Primary Enrollment Registration Type
The Registration Type related to the Manual Registration
Student Race/Ethnicity
The race/ethnicity of students.
Student Reg Type
The student's registration type as defined by IR. Values are: Excluded from Official Counts (Study Abroad Unaffiliated, Leave of Absence, Co-op) and Included in Official Counts (Full Time, Part Time, Full Time Affiliated, Part Time Affiliated, Continuous Enrollment, Continuous Research)
Student Requestor
The role of the requester is student. If both a student role and a faculty or staff role, the role will be student.
Students Campus Group
Students Campus Group identifies how the student is taking classes whether as a Student On Campus or as a Student Off Campus ( “All”, “Face-to-Face” or “Online” as determined by the campus code of their courses)
Students (D)
The distinct count of persons who have used their GWorld card at the Gelman Library and have been identified as students (Student Ind = 'Y')
Students Off Campus
The students who fall into the group of “All”, “Face-to-Face” or “Online” as determined by their campus code and how it relates to the defined “student off campus group”. This applies only to the following visualizations: Course Registration Comparison - On Campus, Course Registration - Off Campus.
Students on Campus
The students who fall into the group of “All” or “Face-to-Face” as determined by their campus code and how it relates to the defined “student on campus group”. This applies only to the following visualizations: Course Registration Comparison - On Campus, Course Registration - Off Campus.
Student State Code
State code is selected based on the address hierarchy and active address logic