Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3501 - 3525 of 4076
Source Street Line2
High school or previous college's address
Source Street Line3
High school or previous college's address street line3
Source Type
Describes the Source Type Code such as C=College
Source Type Code
Uses S=Source only, C=College, H=Highschool
Source Zip
High school or previous college's address zip code.
Sourcing Difficulty
This field identifies the challenge level of filling the role. This data helps managers prepare the best hiring packages to secure the best talent in the relative resource pool.
Special Approval Code
Two character code which when placed on a particular section of a course within a particular term, approval is required for a student to be manually registered.
Special Approval Desc
Restriction to online registration on a paticular section of a course in particular term which requires approval and manual registration.
Special Handling
Special Honors
Special honor associated with a student's graduation Degree Seq No.
The specialty into which the student matched
Specialized Full-Time Faculty
Specialized Faculty are faculty members with the title of professor, associate
professor, assistant professor, and instructor who are on a renewable contract, do
not hold either a regular or tenured appointment at another university, have a nine
or twelve month appointment and who have contractual responsibilities for one or
two of the following areas: research, teaching, and service. Specialized Faculty
include but are not limited to faculty members holding clinical, research, and
teaching faculty positions, which may be reflected in their titles.
Special Rate
Special Rate is special rate of pay for the earn code
Shows the total amount of budget spent to show ads being searched with those particular keywords.
Spending Level
Spending level for an award indicating percentage of budget spent
% Spent
Calculates the percentage of the budget has been spent as of the selected accounting period.
% Spent/Earned vs Annual Budget
Percentage of YTD Actual compared to the Approved Annual Budget
Split Budget
Split Budget is the Labor Percentage of the position multiplied by the actual budget amount
Name of the organization (government agency, foundation, company, etc.) sponsoring the award
Sponsor Account Number
The Account number for the Sponsor
Sponsor Active Ind (Y/N)
Displays the Active Indicator of the Sponsor
Sponsor Award Create Date
The date when the Sponsor Award was created in the Award Tracking Portal
Sponsor Award ID
The ID that the Award Tracking Portal uses to identify an Award
Sponsor Bill to Contact Email
The email of the sponsor bill to contact
Sponsor Bill To Contact Name
The name of the sponsor bill to contact