Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3501 - 3525 of 4051
Sponsor Bill To Contact Name
The name of the sponsor bill to contact
Sponsor Bill To Contact Phone
The phone number of the sponsor bill to contact
Sponsor Class Code
Federal or Non-Federal classification for the award sponsor
Sponsor Country Code
Country code of sponsor address
Sponsor Country Desc
Country name of sponsor address
Sponsored Project Financial Accountant/Analyst
The Name of the person who has award role of GCAS Fiscal Coordinator
Sponsor Email
The email of the GW employee who supervises the affiliate position
Sponsor ID
Displays the ID of the Sponsor
Sponsor ID
The ID that the Award Tracking Portal uses to identify a Sponsor
Sponsor Name
The GW employee who supervises the affiliate position.
Sponsor Name
Name of the company/agency/foundation/organization who is funding (sponsoring) the award.
Sponsor Rate
Cost reimbursement method
Sponsor Registry ID
EAS registry ID number for the organization
Sponsor Research Financial Analyst
Employee in GCAS who is assigned on the award as GCAS Fiscal Coordinator.
Sponsor Research Financial Analyst Email
GW Email address for the employee who is assigned on the award with a role of GCAS Fiscal Coordinator
Sponsor State
State code of sponsor address
Sponsor State Desc
State name of sponsor address
Sponsor Type
Sponsor type from EAS.
Sport team that the student is a member of.
Sports Code
The code for a student's sport
Sports Description
The description of a student's sport
Spring Term Accept Amount
Total accept amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's spring term.
Spring Term Authorize Amount
Total authorize amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's spring term.
Spring Term Cancel Amount
Total cancel amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's spring term.
Spring Term Decline Amount
Total decline amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's spring term.