Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3651 - 3675 of 4049
Submitter Role
Submitter Role is defined as Employee if True for Faculty or Staff requester, Student if True for Student requestor, and
if the submitter is both student and employee. Other is used when the
submitter if False for all mentioned conditions.
Sub Over $25,000
This is a calculated field, which is the difference between subcontract expenditure and subcontract MTDC. This is the amount of subcontract expenditure that is above the $25,000 allowed MTDC amount
Substantive Contact
Substantive contacts include Email, Phone, and Event Contact Types with a Contact Purpose of Engage/Cultivate, Solicit, Negotiate, Commitment Received, or Stewardship; and any Visit.
Suffix allows users to define a job with more precision. For example, a user could denote daytime faculty with one suffix and evening school with another.
Summer Term Accept Amount
Total accept amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's summer term.
Summer Term Authorize Amount
Total authorize amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's summer term.
Summer Term Cancel Amount
Total cancel amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's summer term.
Summer Term Decline Amount
Total decline amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's summer term.
Summer Term Memo Amount
Total decline amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's summer term.
Summer Term Offer Amount
Total offer amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's summer term.
Summer Term Original Offer Amount
Total original offer amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's summer term.
Summer Term Paid Amount
Total paid amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year's summer term.
Sunday Meeting Indicator
Displays a U if the couse meets on Sunday.
Supervisor First Name
Supervisor First Name is the First Name of the employee who monitors and regulates position(s)/employee(s) in their performance of assigned or delegated tasks.
Supervisor Gwid
Supervisor GWID is the identification number of the employee's supervisor for the job record This type of assignment is only used when position hierarchy can't be used (e.g. pooled positions)
Supervisor Last Name
Supervisor last name is the last name of the employee who monitors and regulates position(s)/employee(s) in their performance of assigned or delegated tasks.
Supervisor Name
Supervisor Name is the full name of the employee's supervisor
Supplier Address
The address of the supplier.
Supplier Contact
The full name of an active supplier contact.
Supplier Contact Email
The contatct email of the supplier
Supplier Contact Name
The Contact name of the supplier.
Supplier Contact Phone
The phone number for the supplier contact.
Supplier GWID
Students and Employees that are also classified as Vendors.
Supplier Invoice Number
The supplier-issued invoice number
Supplier Number
The supplier number of the stipend recipient.