Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
Displaying 3751 - 3775 of 4076
Tenure Status
Indicates if faculty members has tenure status
Term Billable Hours
The total billable hours for a student in a specific term
Term Change (Decison Status)
Term Change is one of the decision statuses.
Term Code
Year and term for Course Section information. The first Four characters represent the academic year. The last two characters represent the term.
Term Code
The code used for identifying an Academic Term
Term Credit Hours
The total creidt hours for a student in a specific term
Term Desc
Describes the Term of Enrollment.
Termed for I-9 Indicator
The Termed for I-9 Indicator indcates whether an employee was terminated due to failure to complete an I-9. Values are "Y" or null.
Term Effective
The effective term associated with the attributes
Term End Date
End Date of the Term
Term End Indicator
Indicates if the Term Ended (Y/N)
Term GW Earned Hours
GPA hours for GWU-only courses for the term that were successfully completed.
GPA for GWU-only courses for the term.
Term GW GPA Hours
GPA hours for GWU-only courses for the calculation of the term.
Term GW Quality Points
Overall quality points for the term (counts transferred quality points as well as GWU"s).
Term ID
The payment term identifier
Terminal Degree
Indicator of whether a terminal degree exists
Terminated Headcount
Count of employees that have terminated their employment with GW
Termination Date
The date for which a given employee has separated from the university.
Termination Reason
Description of the employee Termination Reason.
Termination Reason Code
The code used by Banner to reference the employee termination reason.
Termination Reason Group
Termination Reason Group is termination reason codes grouped by Department of Labor definitions of Layoff, Quite and Retire
Termination Type Code
Identifies the termination type to which the termination reason belongs
Termination Type Desc
Description of the employee Termination Type.
Term Overall Earned Hours
Overall GPA hours for the term that were successfully completed