Business Glossary
Welcome to the Data Governance Business Glossary.
The business glossary enables you to find business term definitions and associated metadata.
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Top 3 Compensation Expenditures (Salary & Fringe Benefits)
Lists the Top 3 compensation expenditures ranked according to the sum of each category. Includes accounts that are under the following Account Reporting Attribute: SALARIES AND WAGES, FRINGE BENEFITS. Categories that do not fall in the top 3 are considered as "Other Compensation".
Total Accept Amount
Total accept amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year.
Total Actual Revenue
Total Revenues as of the selected Accounting Period
Total All Expenses
Total of all Expenses as of the selected Accounting Period
Total Annual Research Expenditures as of Current Date
Includes all expenditures for the current and previous Fiscal Years, including Indirect Cost.
Total as of the Same Day
Total Applicant count as of the same day in the previous year for the term/s displayed on the dashboard (Summer+Fall or Spring)
Total Attainment
Total value of donations received by the university, including new gifts (including gifts-in-kind), pledges, and deferred gifts counted at face value. Telefund pledges and payments on existing commitments are not included.
Total Attainment
Total value of donations received by the university, including outright gifts, matching gifts, and commitments for future payments. Telefund pledges and payments on existing commitments are not included.
Total attended
Total number of events attended.
Total Authorize Amount
Total authorize amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year.
Total Bill
Total Bill is the total hours billed based on the rate to the department for the Colonial Temp
Total Billed Amount
Total Amount being billed for the PTA
Total Budget Amount for Student
Total budget amount for one student during one financial aid year.
Total Budgeted Expenses
Total of all the Budgeted Expenses as of the selected Accounting Period
Total Budgeted Revenue
Total Budgeted Revenue as of the selected Accounting Period
Total Cancel Amount
Total cancel amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year.
Total Cash
The sum of new gifts (including gifts-in-kind), payments on previous commitments, and deferred gifts counted at face value.
Total Compensation
Total compensation as of the selected Accounting Period
Total Cost of Contract
Total monetary amount for goods or services related to contract
Total Cost of Proposals Awarded
Total cost of the research proposals that were awarded to the faculty member.
Total Credit Hours
The credit hours registered for by the college(s), campus(es), campus group(s) and course level(s) designted.
Total Decline Amount
Total decline amount over all fund codes for each student and each financial aid year.
Total Drop Credit Hours
Total number of dropped credit hours
Total Earn Amount
Sum of earn amount associated with different earn codes.
Total Enrolled Students
Count of the total enrolled students.